Expert Mama: Good for the Swole Shares a Full-body Indoor Workout

Tubby Todd Mama Blog

I know things are a little crazy right now with the unexpected events surrounding covid-19. To help us mamas take care of ourselves and feel good, here is a 30 minute AT-HOME full body workout to try! I do use a dumbbell in these exercises, but if you don’t have access to one, find anything in your house to use as a weight! Milk jugs, canned goods, or books work great!

I hope this workout helps you get in a good workout, and feel good during this uncertain time. Stay safe mamas - we got this!


Set a timer for 30 minutes, and do as many rounds if this circuit as many times as you can - maintaining good form. Rest when needed!

  1. Reverse lunge + overhead extension x 12-16
  2. Side plank reach x 16-24
  3. Side lunge shift + outward press x 16-24
  4. Butterfly crunches x 10-15
  5. Step up + kickback x 20-24
  6. Quick steps x 40-60
Video courtesy of Good for the Swole
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