Happy holidays!!. This time of year is absolutely crazy - especially as a mother! It feels like there are a million things to do, and taking care of ourselves can veeeery slowly slip into the back burner. Even if you’re only able to fit in 15 minute workouts here and there - AMAZING! No need to wait for January 1st...
Natalie Clay Coaching here to chat about mama wellness during the holidays! The holidays are a most exciting time of year! Time away from work and our regular routines—and lots of time with family. If that thought brings some unease, you’re not alone! We have a lot of preconceived ideas about how this season should be—and how our loved ones...
By: Brittni Mehlhoff, Paper and Stitch There’s nothing that gets me more excited for the holidays than a little seasonal decorating around the house. But to avoid the insanity of tackling every holiday project known to man, I’m keeping it simple with just a few winter-inspired elements. Starting with the tree trimmings! When it comes to winter and/or holiday decorating,...
Hi! It's Becky from @goodfortheswole again! I am so excited to share another great set of exercises with you! As a certified personal trainer, certified women's fitness specialist, and a certified pre/postnatal fitness specialist, I will say that implementing this information is the best thing you can do to restore your core and have a smoother recovery! As a reminder,...
Essay by: Natalie Clay I have a clear memory of sitting in a yellow, warmly lit OBGYN office on the Upper West Side of Manhattan for the first appointment for my now 11-year old daughter, Mabel. I was beyond excited to be there. It had taken us two years to get pregnant and my husband and I were ecstatic to...
This week we launched our newly reformulated Nipple Balm for all our breastfeeding and expecting mamas! With gentle, organic ingredients this soothing balm will be any nursing mama's new BFF! Along with our launch, we reached out to some #tubbytoddmamas to share a little bit about their breastfeeding journey with us—check out their advice and encouragement below and remember, you've...
Photos courtesy of The Little Milk Bar Hey mamas, Lindsay from @thelittlemilkbar_ here. I’m SUPER excited to be taking over The Mama Blog today to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week. In case you didn’t already know, WBFW is every year Aug 1 - 7. It’s our favorite time of the year. (I’ll be hanging out in stories too, so come say...
How did you learn to make taking care of yourself a priority as a mom? “Real talk? I’ve smacked my head against a wall, ON PURPOSE, because my brain felt so crazy and out of control. At the same time, I just wanted the racing thoughts and anxiety to stop, and smacking my forehead felt like it might help. It...
Sending your little ones back to school is full of so many emotions, ups and downs for both parents and little ones. The easiest way to alleviate the stress of the new school year is clear bedtime and morning routines.
Everybody wants to know how to make “mom friends,” right?! I don’t think there’s some big secret but I do know it takes work and getting out of yourself. If you’re willing to reach out, you’ll find your village. Here is the equation: one mom friend you really like + your kids get along = happy village.
By Mindi Bullick . The mamas in our Tubby Todd Facebook Group have been talking about the best routines for babes at different ages. Since all little ones have different needs and preferences, there isn’t a one-size-fits solution to scheduling, but the samples below offer a rough idea of what your child might need at each stage.
By Andrea . As Tubby Todd grows and I find it more difficult to do everything, it's actually been easier to say no to things. I go through this exercise to help me decide what to say no to..