. We love it when Dads get involved with bath time and caring for their children's delicate skin! And because it's helped his family so much, Jason isn't shy when it comes to professing his love for our Tubby Todd BASICS Bundle. Read on to see how he used Tubby Todd to solve a skin irritation for his son.
We love to see how families use Tubby Todd every day. Follow along this series, A Day with the Basics! If you use Tubby Todd in your home, be sure to tag @_themamablog and #adaywiththebasics to share! . We're big fans of Isobel's elegant approach to everyday living. She's a rockstar and somehow manages to look great everywhere she goes! Our BASICS Bundle is the perfect thing to help her keep those boys of hers fresh & clean all day long.
ASHLEY NIELSON » @ashleyanielson » writingrainbows.blogspot.com Our whole family uses Tubby Todd wash. After getting our first bottle, I filled up a little travel container and stuck it in the hospital bag for my sister — I had refused to let them bathe Simon using the "hospital recommended' brand because it's so full of yucky stuff. The Everyday Lotion is probably our most fought after Tubby Todd. I was keeping our bottle at the changing table to apply after bath-time and at night before bed, and it kept going missing! Finally I realized Marcus had abandoned his normal lotion. .
MARY LAUREN » @marylauren » headedsomewhere.com Since trying Tubby Todd for the first time, we haven't used anything else on Ezra's sensitive skin. I love that every product is 100% natural and made with essential oils that I know are great for my little guy's skin. The lavender hair and body wash is my favorite for Ezra AND myself! And I take the dream cream with me everywhere. It's perfect after long beach days or after being out in the sun at the park. We love Tubby Todd!.
. Because as a mom in the twenty first century, that IS the question, right? I often think about how lucky we are to live at a time when if women choose to work while raising their children, there are hundreds of different types of work they can do from home, remotely, and at varying degrees of commitment to their profession. The gift of the Internet has granted families flexibility that we are incredibly lucky to have. Growing up I didn't ever think that I would work, or ever run a company from home. These have been developments that have come over time. Although I don't think there is one perfect situation that fits every family, I do think there is a perfect situation for every family. What will work for your family will come as you and your partner spend time considering your family's needs, personally and together. Here are three steps we have taken to make the decision in our home on how we will create a work life balance:.
. After months of a consistent sleep schedule, last week I totally blew it. Our new products just came out and I've felt extra anxious about it. So to compensate, I have been staying up late and wasting time watching TV or working on useless projects. As a result my body, work, house, and family have suffered. . One of the most valuable things a mom can do to show love to her family is to make being well rested a priority.
. “If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can't survive.” - Brene Brown, Daring Greatly . A few months ago I was at the gym picking my kids up from daycare. A women I've talked with a few times while on the treadmill came in to pick up her son after being called on the intercom. She was in the middle of potty training him and during his time in the daycare he had taken his pants down and peed in the corner of the gym play place. Every moms nightmare, right?.
. Yesterday I spoke to a group of over 100 teenage girls ages 12-18. They were at a summer church camp and I was asked to come give a 45 minute presentation. I always agonize over speaking assignments, but I was especially wrought up about this one. My only hope was that I would say something that would help just one of these beautiful girls during such a volatile time in their lives. The night before I spoke I went into my four-year-old daughter's room while she was sleeping. She laid sprawled out across the bed breathing heavily. As I sat at the foot of her bed staring at her, the thought came to me that I should tell these girls just what I would want my own little girl to know. And so I did. Here's what I shared. .
Look at that smile! We love getting emails from happy customers who trust our product on their little ones AND themselves. Here's an email we got from Esther, who even uses our bubble bath for herself after a long day. (I'll admit I use it on myself too!). "I know you have so many parents that say thank you but as parents to kids with sensitive skin it means so much that we can find something local and natural that doesn't make my infant breakout! It really truly means a lot to me as a parent to be able to trust the products that I use on my baby. After all, he's my baby! Wouldn't you want to only give the best for yours? Tubby Todd does just that. They give the best to my baby.all natural and gentle.
. Bubble bath formulas, as well as strong soaps that contain deodorants or potent scents, can irritate the opening of your baby's urethra (where urine comes out) if the soap is not rinsed off completely. Tubby Todd Bath Co. is made of all natural ingredients, and our Sweet Quince Bubble Bath is specially formulated with mild surfactants to be safe for little ones to play in. Below, Stephanie Sullins shares her family's experience with our Tubby Todd Bubble Bath.
. I received this beautiful email from a customer and was so excited to share it here on our blog. My favorite thing about her words is how Tubby Todd has helped every member of their family. What a dream come true!
. For a long time Kelly Fondots has been one of my favorite bloggers to follow online. She is a beautiful mother of three documenting the adventures of motherhood with her babies Grey, Sebastian and Ivy. This week on her blog A Bluer Sea she talks about making the switch to using Tubby Todd products. Below I share only part of her story, visit her blog to read the full version!.