The Mama Blog

#tubbytoddtip — Tips for National Bath Safety Month

. Hey guys! We are super excited to share that January is National Bath Safety Month. This month we will be sharing some safety tips to help you have the best bath time experiences in your home. Here are a few tips for your family: .

Product Launch — Love Lake Lavender Lotion

. It's here! It's really here! Our Love Lake Lavender Lotion! Christmas came early this year and our long awaited lotion is available for preorder. We are thrilled to share it with you- we have worked on this product for a long time and are so happy with what we have to share with your family. You can now pre order your lotion on and our first shipment will go out 12/20/2014. . Below I have listed the key ingredients in the lotion that make it so creamy and delicious. We can't wait to hear what you think! .

#tubbytoddfamily — Owen's journey

. I am excited to share a new series on our blog, called "Tubby Todd Family." We will be featuring different ways people use our product and how it works with their family.  . Meet Owen. He is the most darling six month old boy. He was recently diagnosed with albinism and as a result, has low-vision and extremely sensitive skin. Below, his mom, Alie from Delighted To Be, shares their journey. I am so touched by Alie's commitment to her little guy, I know you will be too. .

#tubbytoddtip — Read to your little one in the bath

  . As parents, we are always looking for more opportunities to get our kids off of their iPads and into books. Right? Lately I have been carrying a few books with me in my purse to give to the kids while we are driving in the car. Another favorite place of mine to sneak in some reading time is in the bathtub. One of our favorite bath time activities is to read together. I like to stack a few books next to the bathtub to have them handy while the kids are playing.

Leaping Bunny Certified—Check!

.  . It is really important to us, personally and as a brand, to make sure we are being as conscious of a brand as we can be. Whenever possible we use recycled products, always the finest ingredients and we also really value the origin of all of our materials. We are so excited to share our recent Leaping Bunny Certification with you. This means that all of the ingredients used to make Tubby Todd Bath Co. products have never been at any point tested on animals. To us, this represents years of work. We hope that our products will continue to fill your home with animal cruelty free happiness!  .

#tubbytoddtip — How to take family pictures with toddlers

. It finally feels like Fall here and so we are starting to think about the holidays, and have things like Christmas cards on our minds. I was trying to be on the ball and schedule family pictures early this year- but on Saturday our scheduled photographer got caught in three hours of LA traffic and wasn't able to make our shoot. We were all dressed and semi presentable so I desperately called a friend who takes pictures and he met us for dinner and took a few shots in downtown Carlsbad. In the end, it was one of the best days we have had as a family that I can remember. 

#tubbytoddfamily — Welcome from the Williams Family!

.  . My name is Andrea. I live in San Diego with my husband Brian and my two little ones, Josie Jean (3 years old) and Walker Todd (13 months.) For a year and a half I have been creating the perfect bath wash for our little ones- Tubby Todd Bath Co. I can't tell you how good it feels to finally have a product in hand to share with you- especially since it is a product we could not be more proud of.