Andrea's Mama Musts for Self-care

Tubby Todd Mama Blog
During week two of quarantine I got my period. It was the second time I've gotten my cycle since having Andy. I understand the suffering that is happening in the world right now, but I can honestly say that for a minute, I was sitting on my bathroom floor, bawling, and wondering how I can better take care of myself during this time when I have felt pressure to be caring for everyone around me (my kids, home, husband, employees... my dog!) I dug into my closet, hopped on my laptop and made a more cohesive self care plan. Below are some of my favorite go-to products for making sure I'm taking the best care of myself so I can be there for my family. Note: These all happen to items from a few of my fav small shops!
  1. Parachute Home Robe — A perfect excuse to treat myself to a bubble bath knowing I'll get to wrap up in this comfy robe afterwards.
  2. Shop Arq — I picked up their new spring line! that sky blue is beautiful and will lighten your whole mood.
  3. Coconu — I have been so impressed with the quality of this product and their approach to female health. Their messaging is all focused on health and safety, which should be the number one thing we should all be focused on.
  4. Promptly Journal — For journaling babe's experiences and keeping a pulse on this wild time.
  5. Tubby Todd Mama Gift Set — We created these products specifically with mamas in mind for a little skin (and self!) care.
  6. Plain Jane Pjs — Because I know everyone is saying to get dressed but I am having a hard time making that work.
  7. Saalt Co. — Because now more than ever I am taking care of the parts of me that matter. It was a perfect time to try a new mode of care during my cycle because I was home.
  8. Saranoni Blanket — For cozy cuddles with Baby on the couch.
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