Expert Mama: Good for the Swole Shares Her Best Booty Workout

Tubby Todd Mama Blog
Photo courtesy of Good for the Swole

Hi mamas! It's Becky here again from Good for the Swole! I hope you are all hanging in there during this crazy time. You are not alone! Give yourself some grace, and know that whatever you are doing is enough.

I wanted to share a quick glute workout you can do from home without any equipment! I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant, but it is a burner whether you're pregnant or not! It's a good one to add at the end of a workout, or to squeeze in if you have 20 minutes to spare.

You've got this, Mama!


Set a timer for 20 minutes, and repeat this circuit as many times as you can before the time is up.
1. Decline leg lifts x 12 each side
2. Decline reverse leg curls x 15 each side
3. Hip thrust + clam x 15
4. Hip thrust pulses x 30
Video courtesy of Good for the Swole
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