Meet 100 families who brought brightness to 2023

Thank you for helping us close out 2023 by spreading lots of bubbly love and Tubby cheer! We asked you to share the story of a family or mama that you were inspire by this year and boy did you deliver! We received so many amazing entries and read every single story about these incredible families. We want to share our 100 selected entries here so they can inspired you just like they did us. We gifted an entire year of bathtime ($200 value) to each of these families. Check them out below if you’re looking for a little light to close out the year.

The Desert Coast family

The Desert Coast family

There are many hardships in being a military family but there are also blessings. Having lost her mother back home in Jersey only a week before welcoming her baby girl  in Texas is what ignited her passion to freeze memories and record milestones through photography. Overcoming her grief and finding herself in motherhood by helping military families capture life moments in photographs is truly inspiring as she knows what it’s like to have people only live in the photos they leave behind. Blessing many families including mine the Andrade’s inspire many from the Texas desert to the Jersey coast.

Loss of a child

Loss of a child

My little sister is the strongest women I know. She had a still born baby at 8 months and  still had to be a strong mom while taking care of her 1 year old son. Just last week she had to have emergency c section and almost lost her son. She still stayed strong in her faith. When any other person would lose it. She’s an amazing mother and deserves to win something even if it’s bath time products for her babies. I want to giver her just a little bit of happiness after everything she’s been through.

Family Perseverance

Family Perseverance


After 6 years of unsuccessfully conceiving their 2nd child they were successful with IVF. At 3 months Nadirah's skin was covered with sores, she lost all of her hair and was inconsolable. It put a mental and emotional strain on the family to determine what was wrong.They discovered she has seven food allergies including dairy & gluten. This resulted in the lifestyle change of becoming vegan for the health of their family. The 12 year sibling age gap and autism diagnoses can present challenges but the love runs so deep.This family doesn't give up to obstacles and continues to persevere.

The Achondroplasia family

The Achondroplasia family

This family is a husband, achondroplasia wife, 2 avg size children and one achondroplasia baby, the baby has alot of problems and he touches my heart everytime I see his face he has alot of bad days but he seems like he try's to be so happy, he gives me so much inspiration even on my worse days with how happy that baby is!


Mother of the year

Mother of the year

Joanna had a rough pregnancy from the start. A lot of doctor appointments and check up because she was deemed a high risk pregnancy. Thankfully everything was okay with her and the baby but she had a last minute emergency c section at one of her check ups. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who was born with Down syndrome. So you could imagine the confusion for a first time mom, who also is finding out how to mom but now finding out how to raise a daughter with a disability.

Starting Over

Starting Over


My brother and I are 20 and 22 years old and my mom just had a new baby. My mother is a mother, wife, a therapist at a local college, she has her own private practice and she has a non-profit agency that works to help people in underserved communities heal from trauma. She is always researching the best products for my new baby sister and got the all over ointment when she was first born and loved it and let everyone in the family try it until they used hers up. She works so hard and is so deserving

Little Strong Warrior


I would like to nominate the Toro family because of the many obstacles they have faced with their little one they remain a strong family. Their little one Santiago who is one month old will be having open heart surgery around the holidays and it breaks my heart for them to have to go through this. Despite this the Toro family has maintained a positive outlook and has been a strong knit family. They continue to show me how much love one can give.

Epidermolysis bullosa

Epidermolysis bullosa


Jami, a pediatric nurse and CEO of a pediatric health care company who is passionate about her patients and employees. One patient in particular, who was three days old when we met her was diagnosed with the skin condition, EB along with other issues. Jami went on to adopt Miley. Jami now is my mentor and has helped me with my daughters extreme eczema by giving me tips and tricks (that is cleared with the help of all over ointment!) she is always blessing others! Now it’s time for her to be blessed!!

Heart Warriors

Heart Warriors


Zoey was born with a unique heart (CHD) which required open heart surgery at 15 days old and a lengthy hospital stay. She is a true heart Warrior! She was sent home with a g-tube because she silently aspirates while drinking liquids. Needless to say, this family has adapted to follow up appointments, therapy sessions, feeding schedules, that require a lot of prep work for each feed due to the g-tube, and a timely medicine regimen for her heart that requires late nights. This family’s days are challenging, but they are embracing it and sweet Zoey is strong and thriving.

Epilepsy Keto Warrior

Epilepsy Keto Warrior


Dottie was diagnosed with seizures and infantile spasms 4 months old. She spent a year in and out of the hospital and weathered harsh treatments. However, Dottie continued to defy odds, caught up on milestones and is thriving. Dottie’s epilepsy is still not fully controlled; however, the ketogenic diet has lowered her seizure burden. For the diet to work, her products cannot contain certain ingredients. This limits the quality of products she can use. Tubby Todd’s products contain ingredients that align with her diet, and could offer her the ability to have soft skin and hair. This girl deserves it!

A deserving family

A deserving family


My sister in law is a Pacific Islander, born and raised unfortunately her land was used to test US missiles & her family immigrated to the US when she was an adolescent. Her mom passed away when she was in those vulnerable adolescent years. She’s been working to get her legalization paperwork so hard but has fallen short to the system. My brother provides for the family of 5 on his income, they struggle. He works so hard, as I write this I cry! He would never want me nominating him because he’d feel ashamed. I’m proud and love them.

The Waites battle

The Waites battle

Leslie has not only been battling stage 4 Uterine cancer but her son, Grant has had on going tummy issues. Grant has a dilated esophagus and his stomach is herniated into his esophagus 2-3cm. He has had an NJ tube in but recently was switched to a gtube instead and has one in for 20/24 hours a day. Leslie has gone through 9 rounds of chemo with so much grace and optimism and plans to do 12. She is a beautiful person on the inside just as much as she is on the outside. This family deserves a blessing.

The NICU journey

The NICU journey


The Gulla Family is an inspiration because Amy went into labor at 23 weeks pregnant. Hailey Marie was born 17 weeks early, weighing little over a pound. Now after over 100 days in the NICU, Hailey has undergone 2 brain surgeries and will be having another small surgery this week. Through all this, Amy, Andrew, and 4 year old Grace have been the absolute strongest, most resilient people. I've seen them meet this unexpected challenge and advocate for their little girl each day. Amy and Andrew continue to go to work and visit Hailey an hour away every single day!

Five Kids Under Two!

Five Kids Under Two!

Elizabeth and John, proud parents of Brayden and Bennett, celebrated their twins' 1st birthday in October. Brayden, born with Down syndrome, brings immense joy to their lives, showcasing the strength of family love. Elizabeth, a NICU nurse, and John, a salesman, are determined to secure a bright future for their family. They recently received the news of Elizabeth expecting triplets in April 2024. This caught the Hensleys off guard but are excited and nervous for this unexpected journey. They need all the help they can get and the boys currently love Tubby Todd!

The sweetest young family!


This sweet young family works tirelessly with the youth in our poverty stricken town and state. Since their daughter was born a little over a year ago, they have faced ongoing adversity and could use a little bit of a break this holiday season. Their daughter is the most beautiful little girl who experiences significant impairment with her walking ability. Despite the goodness they do, they continue to get challenging news.

Baby doctor extraordinaire

Baby doctor extraordinaire

May is training to be a neonatologist. She takes care of the smallest and sickest babies for over 80 hours a week while being pregnant. She touches the lives of so many babies and their families. She and her new baby deserve to be spoiled a little for the holidays.

Beautiful Becky

Beautiful Becky

17 months ago, bam, cancer. Becky's diagnosis - stage 4 breast cancer that spread to her lungs. In the past 1.5 years my fun loving and caring friend has endured countless rounds of treatments (and their painful side effects), trying to find one that will work. But she pushes through. Her husband Brent has been there to support every step of the way, and through it all they have remained the most loving and dedicated parents. I am in awe of this family. I don't know how Becky is doing it. They are my inspiration. She is unbreakable.

Love of foster

Love of foster

The Leals devote their life to foster kids. But they don’t just stop with the kids. They also shows an abundance of support to the parents of kids that they currently have or have had in the past. They will help drive parents to appointments, watch their kids for free so they dont miss appointments/work and just be a much needed cheerleader for them. She is currently fostering 6 girls. On top of her foster kids she has 2 adopted and 7 other kids. They also homeschool many of these kids. They are amazing parents and advocates to these children.

Gomez family story


This family has been through hardships recently. The mother rec Chad to take leave after having a very rough pregnancy. Thankfully she had a great labor and health little girl. They are constantly positive and never ask for help even though they are struggling financial. They inspire me through their love and kindness. I hope to help them as they’ve helped me throughout the years. The dad recently lost his DACA so now the family is struggling even more worrying if he (the breadwinner) will be deported or not. Despite everything they are still postive people.

The farm family

The farm family

This family has worked so hard to create a place for the community to bring their families and enjoy quality time surrounded by beautiful flowers they grow and living sustainable with the work they put in the land. They started out of nothing without any help and they have no family with them besides them two and now raising a beautiful 2 yr old baby girl! Sometimes I feel some people need a little bit of appreciation for what they do!

Echeverria Fam

Echeverria Fam

Rachel just had her FIFTH baby this year, she stays home with them and runs them around to places. She’s also super helpful to mamas with her decluttering small business when they need it most. Washing 5 babies takes a lot of soap so I think she definitely needs it

Two preeclampsia babies

Two preeclampsia babies


Rachael went through two very high risk pregnancies. Her daughter was born at 30 weeks weighing only 3 lbs via emergency c section requiring over a month of NICU time. Her son at 38 weeks also via emergency c section. Both times she had severe preeclampsia. They have and are still overcoming many health obstacles because of these high risk pregnancies. Rachael and Chris make the most of each day knowing how lucky they are to have their babies with them and watch them grow!

The Fighter

The Fighter

Bentley had a hard time entering the world and almost lost his life three separate times dying labor. He fought hard to survive and is now nine months old. His family never gave up and was optimistic that he would be okay. They show him so much love and he’s such a happy baby.



March 2020 during Covid my grandson was born at 33 weeks and was in the NICU for weeks. His parents had to take turns visiting, as they could not go in at the same time. Housing was not open to new parents during Covid and they had to travel back and forth every day, about 2 hours each way. During this time they used Tubby Todd on his sensitive little skin and fell in love with it. Now they use it on baby girl's sensitive skin too! Thank you for such a great product! We are counting our blessings!

My brothers family

My brothers family

My brother took care of me since I was a baby and he was practically a baby himself. He and his wife are expecting their first baby together but second child on December 8th. She already had a son and my brother took him right in no questions and I just love him even more for that. I’ve never won anything but it’d be amazing to win and to win this for my brother. He’s inspirational to me and deserves nothing but the best.

Honor College Student

Honor College Student

Abbigayle is an 18 year old honors’s freshman in college. She graduated high school in May in the top ten of her graduating class, with several honorable achievements. She was also a dual enrolled college student and a cheerleader. She is due in January and has only a small circle of support. She lives in a very small town & people tend to ridicule, gossip and criticize; however, she has not let any of this affect her. She remains in college & was just accepted into PTK for her GPA. She is well deserved for this!

Going above and beyond.

The Applegate family goes above and beyond to help anyone and everyone they can but you wouldn’t even know that they are struggling to make it. They welcomed a baby girl in January and she’s became the light of their life but I think winning this would be the icing on the cake as they never win anything. Everyday life is hard, going to work, trying to provide and take care of a baby I think this will greatly help them.

Motivated Teen Mom

Motivated Teen Mom

Narissa is a teen mom beating the odds and statistics, Narissa is completing her last year in highschool and will soon be attending a nursing program to further her career and education while also taking care of her son and his needs. Narissa worked on her feet for the full 9 months of her pregnancy so that she was able to provide what she needed for her and her son , she would really appreciate Tubby Todd for choosing her !

A hard year

A hard year


Ashley and her family deserve all the Tubby Todd goodies! Her family was displaced from their home in February due to a loss and have been living in a hotel while insurance has been battling coming to an agreement. She has a son who is 5 years old and a 5 month old baby girl who is their rainbow baby. Ashley inspires me bc of her resilience to not give up, even though she has been living through the unthinkable and shown so much grace. Even more empowering is her birth story is. Her family deserve it all this Christmas!

A Tragic Loss Builds Determination

A Tragic Loss Builds Determination

She is a young mother who lost her husband recently. She has a cute baby girl who is the sweetest. Shante inspires me. She has the drive, will, and determination to give her daughter the best in life, despite doing it all on her own. I want to nominate her because she deserves a self care day and these products would be the best tool to help her.

Family survivor and tragic loss

Family survivor and tragic loss


This family is so strong Not only did they find out their son lukas has a heart condition at 6 months but they also just recently suffered a tragic loss of their babyboy zeke. They deserve this so much. They have been raising awareness for heart conditions since their first son and fought so hard for their son zeke.It's absolutely heartbreaking for this family. And they deserve recognition and something positive to come from this year.Ive been praying for them and I do not personally know them but my heart breaks and I felt god wanted put it in my heart to nominate them

The Houle family

The Houle family

Mariah Houle is a single mother of 4 kids. Kylie(10) Dennis(8) Honor(4) and Sylvia(3months). She always puts her kids first and will do anything for them. No matter what is happening those kids are always first to her. She is a very good inspiration for single mothers.

The sweetest fam

The sweetest fam

This is the most amazing family ever! They have a little boy & unexpectedly found out they were going to be having twin girls. Shortly after finding out about the surprise twins, they learned one of them would most likely be born with Down syndrome & were given a multitude of health problems she would have. Amber gave birth this summer to the sweetest baby girls, & they were small but healthy! Although Leighton’s Down syndrome diagnosis was a shock, they have done everything in their power to make sure she is fully supported & loved. They deserve this treat!

Persevering in adversity

Kara has been our nanny for years and watched our oldest while my youngest was in the NICU for weeks. She now is a new mom raising her daughter on her own as the child’s father left her shortly after birth in spite of her own baby’s NICU stay. Kara continues to watch my children while handling motherhood all on her own. She is resilient and deserves any help she can get!

Resilient and Loving

Resilient and Loving

Melody and her three children (6,4,2 year olds) are an inspiration. Melody, a single mom of three little ones and affected by domestic violence stayed focused and completed her degree as an elementary school teacher while taking care of her little ones. She teaches kindergarten, is passionate about teaching and loves her students so much. After a long busy and challenging day at work she picks up her kids and goes home to take care of them. They have grown so much as a family and I'm so proud of her.

Twice the love… and worry!

Twice the love… and worry!

My younger sister gave birth to the most adorable boy/ girl twins in September. Twins are a lot to manage, especially with a 3 year old big brother. At 2 months old her new baby boy got sick with rhinovirus and was admitted to the hospital. After a long month of more questions than answers, he remains in the ICU and recently completed the first of a series of jaw surgeries to open his airway. My sister is a pediatric nurse herself, but managing a hospitalized infant with his infant sister at home is beyond overwhelming. We love Tubby Todd!

Miracle Works!

Miracle Works!

I am a Nurse practitioner working at pediatricians office in Texas. I have this sweet little boy that is under 1 years old, He is the most precious thing in the world, He has severe eczema all around his body. This family has tried everything from A-Z and so far nothing can seem to keep his flare down. I purchased tubby todd after seeing so many good reviews on the product, for them and it worked WONDERS! This family doesn't have a great source of income. I just know they will be blessed if they win!

Inspiration 💙

Making me feel confident in myself and my choice to also be a new mama! I suffer from wild anxiety and the postpartum process was a battle. All the love, tips and middle of the night replies got me through the thick of it ! Showing the real real of being a parent without fear mongering but set realistic expectations. Best pals forever!!!

Stage 4 Cancer and Car Accident

The Ko Family is having a tough year with Grandma's stage 4 colorectal cancer not improving after daily trips to the hospital to receive radiation and chemotherapy. Then a reckless driver ran a red light at high speed to hit their family vehicle. While they made it out safe, their car was totaled and negatively impacted the ability to properly care for grandma and their 3 year old toddler. Despite all this, Mom and Dad continues to be optimistic and greets every difficult day with gratitude by saying "Sometimes the bad days helps you appreciate the good days."

Safe with Grandma

Safe with Grandma

Living with Grandma for the past three months after their neighbor assaulted dad. Waiting for restraining order and court date, grandma took in 5 month old Javi, mom, dad, cat and 90 pound dog! Grandma is sleeping in the living room, dad downstairs with the pets, and mom in the room with teething baby. Not what they imagined for the first year of having a baby, and definitely more stress with contemplating selling their house to escape neighbor as well- but sweet Javi is surrounded by so much love and is such a happy little baby! A lucky boy!

Parents' Perseverance

Parents' Perseverance


Eli & Casey parent their 1 yr old son with such kindness & strength. Eli, a mother who survived breast cancer, was told she would probably never have children. Now, she’s expecting her 2nd son in December. She has stayed positive through everything she was told she “could not do”, and is my go-to person for advice through my own pregnancy and recent birth. She loves her kids and her friends fiercely, ALWAYS has a smile on her face, & makes herself available to anyone who needs her. I’m nominating her family to show them how much they are loved.

Overcoming Adversity

Overcoming Adversity


The Le Family deserves so much love since they have so much love to give. They welcomed their first baby this year. They are both essential workers in healthcare, and therefore dad had to go back to work quickly after the birth of their baby. With mom battling postpartum depression and a new diagnosis of psoriasis, she was unable to return to work or be fully present to care for her new baby. She struggled emotionally, mentally, and physically. They have overcome so much adversity and struggles, yet continue to give back and help those in their community.

Special needs child

Special needs child

The Newton family has a 5.5 year old son who was born with CDH and a hole in his heart. The father works full time and the mother is a part time nurse. Their son Dawson has already had 3 major surgeries and may very well be looking at another open heart surgery in the coming year. They are a very loving family that is trusting God with all the needs for their sweet boy.

Amazing single mom

Amazing single mom

After getting shot 4 times last year, Precious still manages to take care of 4 beautiful children aged 13,11,7 and 4 months. She works as a medical assistant where she is loved by all of her patients. She always keeps a smile on her face and is very optimistic. She is involved with a nonprofit where her girls dance and loves taking her son to basketball practice. Her kids adore her and she’s deserving of all things good. I hope she wins!!!!

Cancer & newborn baby

Cancer & newborn baby


Stephanie found out she was pregnant last September. Her husband was diagnosed with cancer in October. He had to travel to UCLA from October- March and was hospitalized for weeks/ months at a time! They had their miracle baby in April! I know they are struggling financially with life after cancer bills and their new born baby. They also have two other girls who love your products. Stephanie stayed strong for her girls and raised them alone while kevan was fighting cancer all while being a special education teacher and pregnant!

Nurse and super mom

Nurse and super mom


She is a school nurse as well as a mental health nurse and is a single mama to a 15 month old baby boy who is her world she works her butt of to provide for him . She has an amazing heart and could use this joy.

The Woman Who Always Has a Smile on Her Face

The Woman Who Always Has a Smile on Her Face


Amber is a mom, hygienist and caretaker. Her father was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer earlier this year. When she isn’t working she helps her father, visits him in the hospital and was even able to organize a large fundraiser to help with his financial burden as he is no longer able to work. She does all this with a smile on her face no matter how difficult. Amber was the one to first introduce our family to Tubby Todd and entering her family into this giveaway is the least I can do for such a strong woman!

Grief & Joy

Grief & Joy


I’m nominating our family because this would alleviate one financial burden on us as we welcome our second child. Our first daughter died at birth in 2021 and we navigated the grief and sorrow together with our amazing community. My husband took a massive paycut to start teaching at a highschool and this summer I resigned from my job so I could take time to fully process our loss and heal. Hospitality is one of our core values- we love cooking for friends, neighbors and those in need. We’d love to be able to continue this once baby arrives!

Young mum

Young mum


I really would love to nominate my daughter. She is a first time teen mum and even through all the judgement and hate and threats and abuse she received from the babies father she held her head high and she now is an amazing single mother to a gorgeous 8 month old daughter. It hasn’t been easy but she has done an amazing job so far. She really inspires me everyday and I feel she deserves a special gift at Christmas time.

82 Days

82 Days


The Sheehe family was rocked to the core this past spring as they spent 82 agonizing days alongside their baby in the NICU. Little baby boy Chance continues to defy all odds after being born without a heartbeat for 15 minutes. The Sheehe Family knows more about strength, courage, and hope than anyone I know. This year has been downright brutal for them, and yet despite everything they have gone through, they continue to give back and show their gratitude for those who helped save their son’s life on February 8.

Leukemia Diagnosis 25 weeks pregnant

Leukemia Diagnosis 25 weeks pregnant


My best friend was 25 wks pregnant when diagnosed with leukemia. She had to go through chemo before having her son at 35 weeks. After that she had to do 3 more rounds, one sent her to the ICU for 10 days at 2wks postpartum. She is now in remission. through all of this they have stayed strong and asked for nothing. Their baby boy is 6 months on Saturday and she is now in remission. She fought for her life and baby Johnny’s to be here and she is so deserving of this. There isn’t a more deserving family.

Heart of Gold

Minnie has a heart of gold. She was a surrogate after having 2 wonderful children of her own. She chose to be a surrogate because she wanted to help another women have a child. This is just the person she is. I know that she uses Tubby Todd on her children and she knows the power that it can bring. She inspires me everyday to be better!

The caregiver

The caregiver

Curt, 23, took custody of his 10 year old sister this year while having a 2 year old of his own and his wife expecting baby #2 this past October. He is amazing and such a caregiver!!!

Mission McGuire

Mission McGuire


Ashley is a veteran with her fifth baby on the way. She and her teenage daughter, started Mission McGuire for the homeless. She helps veterans receive their benefits and find jobs and shelter. They also make a lot of blessing bags for them. Inside these bags are things we take for granted for daily hygiene. She and her kids have raised money by making Mission McGuire T-shirts to sell to the public to fill these bags. The T-shirts have a saying on them of “IGY6” which is “I got your six!” Which means “I got your back” in the military.

The most selfless human

The most selfless human


Jesslynn owns an in-home daycare in California. She has always been welcoming of every person that has needed her help. She doesn’t turn away families for the children being “too problematic” instead, she helped to find those children the needed help they might need. More recently, she has adopted a little boy into their family and hasn’t looked back. She gave that boy the life he deserves & I hope she knows how much she means to us!

Clef Stories

Clef Stories


This family just had a clef lip palate baby and are the strongest family I know. They’ve had to adjust and learn to using a NG (feeding tube) to placing a new NG, not being able to nurse but instead sacrificing by pumping and still providing her baby w breast milk. Their baby has temporarily hearing loss and will need multiple surgeries as well. Their baby is also colicky and loves baths so this would be a perfect gift for them!!

It takes a village

I hope your having a fantastic week I have a neighbor who recently lost her husband and she is a stay at home mom of 3 kids under 5 and I know she is going through it right now as he was the only provider! I know times are tough for them as they just lost their dads and house,so I was wondering if it was possible to surprise the family this gift card to keep clean this winter! Just thought the mom would really appreciate this the most! Especially with holidays around the corner thank you for your consideration!

Nominate A Family Story

Nominate A Family Story

This is an amazing family the mother is battling stage 4 breast cancer and a father recently been laid off from his job this past November this family deserved so much happiness and Christmas joy and I hope this will be a blessing to this family they deserve so much more especially being so giving a kind to others even during their own struggles

The First baby

The First baby


The King family has faced hard times since having their daughter(1). Both mom (24) and dad(24) are still in college while dad works full time and is in the army. They also help raise their cousin (10) because her mother has brain cancer. So as you can see they are a very busy and hard working family and deserve a chance to spoil their baby with these amazing products.

teacher / mom / friend

teacher / mom / friend


Gianna was a born leader and is the most beautiful and compassionate person and teacher you’ll ever meet ! Her abilities were recognized even at a young age of 13 when she became a nanny. She was able to help children understand the importance of kindness .. Throughout high school and college even as she was being bullied she brought empowerment and knowledge to show the importance of feeling good in your own skin and reached her goal becoming a kindergarten teacher to start providing these important skills to make better humans for the future!

A lottle extra love for my sister

A lottle extra love for my sister

My sister has been a rockstar mom all year and continues to be my biggest inspiration. She decided to go back to school last year to get her nursing degree, all while pregnant with my nephew. Although it was tough, she still managed to get good grades and will be graduating this upcoming April. I think she deserves this treat because she is ALWAYS doing for others and rarely puts herself first. She continues to pour into our family and into her kids even when she has a half full cup. I know this treat will make her day!

The Endless Family

The Endless Family

They are a family is wisdom, empowerment, loving, caring, courageous, ENDLESS kind of family I’ve ever seen! The sky is truly the limit for this family. They love every person they encounter with love and compassion. They deserve the whole world. They always inspire my family to do more and be more courageous and that you are not limited to what you think. Anything is possible if you just take your first step towards it. I can never say enough good things of this family.

The Manu family

The Manu family

This is actually my own family, i wanted to be able to get these products because my son has really bad eczema. To the point where its patches and i am honestly desperately hoping to get these products for him. He has had eczema since he was 3 months old and he is now 11 months old and its WORSE! I have been trying everything to heal it and nothing has worked for him. I really hope i can win this giveaway because of my son!! Please and thank you!! God bless TT for this product!!

Always turning on smiles

Always turning on smiles


Dear Leslie! You inspire me to try to do more even if I’m exhausted by adding details, humor, transformation to any activity at any time, any place wherever you go. I see in your face how tired you are but never say no to any simple adventure and that aventure become magic when you are in it. You can transform a simple baking on beautiful creations of pumping sourdough bread, a pumpkin night paint in professional one and picture day on a professional studio finish project. Now you are using your creativeness transforming your brothers school garden in something beautiful.

A Light at the End of the Rainbow

A Light at the End of the Rainbow

In June 2021, this sweet family experienced a great loss with the miscarriage of their twin babies. In the midst of this rainstorm, the Rivera family never lost hope and continued to find joy in the little things. Then on January 17, 2023 the sun shone brightly the day their rainbow baby was born. They are an inspiration to never give up on hope and a reminder that grief is truly love persevering. So I nominate the Riveras family because they are so deserving of giving their little boy good clean fun for the year to come!

Soon to be family of 5!

Soon to be family of 5!


I met Shayna through a Sept 2022 due date group. This baby was her second and as a first time mom myself, her support, encouragement, and love meant everything! She’s now pregnant and almost due with baby #3! She inspires me to be a better mother and wife and deserves the world. The internet can lead you to amazing people ♥️

The Overcomers

The Overcomers

The Ojo-Fatis' journey this year touched my heart deeply. Amidst their toughest times, their unyielding resilience became a beacon of hope. Witnessing their unwavering determination to overcome adversity was not just inspiring but profoundly moving. It serves as a poignant reminder that even in life's darkest moments, the human spirit has the strength to rise, persevere, and ultimately triumph. Their story has left an indelible mark on my heart, showcasing the beauty of resilience and the extraordinary capacity of the human soul to navigate through challenges with grace and courage.

Our Testimony

Our Testimony


I am nominating my own family because our kids inspire us to be better people and better parents everyday. I had a childhood surrounded by drugs and full of abuse but by the grace of God I was saved. I see light through darkness and everyday I remind myself and my husband that we have our kids childhood in our hands. We recently became involved with our local church and it has beautifully changed our everyday lives. Becoming a mother has healed me in ways I didn’t know I needed.

Bath Time Fit For a King

Bath Time Fit For a King

I met this family when our babies were in the NICU together. Both our boys had Down Syndrome but along JaKhai also has cystic fibrosis and is on the wait list for a multi organ transplant. Just seeing his smile brightens your day, and his mama Ashley is a fierce protector and great friend. She has connected with many medical mamas and has become a safe haven offering an ear, advice and a wealth of knowledge. They have 3 older daughters and they would be blessed by tubby Todd’s amazing line of products!

Xmas Family

Xmas Family



They inspire me because they always manage to put the needs of their 2 sons first beyond anything else. Dad is in the military and Mom is a teacher. The kids are 1 month old and 17 months so their hands are full both working full time just make ends meet and times are tough anymore for parents so this wood really help! Mom loves your products and uses them when available

Single Mom Not By Choice

Single Mom Not By Choice


My daughter left an Abusive relationship, I moved her cross country with her puppy & the clothes on her body. She's now 35 weeks pregnant, is so brave & has so much love to give to her daughter. She is due near Christmas & this would truly be a blessing. She works at a Pediatric Dental office & works with children who has special needs & autism. She inspires me each day

The most supportive sister and brother in law.

The most supportive sister and brother in law.

They’ve helped my new baby and I more than I can even put into words. They gave me a place to live next to them and altered their family dinners every night so that I could eat with them, despite my dietary restrictions as a breastfeeding mom with a baby who has allergies. I don’t know what I would’ve done without them in the early months with a new baby. They also built their own business from the ground up to support their family of five.

My role model

My role model


I am always in awe of my sister on how she manages everything in her household. From raising the kids to being a hardworking wife and managing the house. I never heard from her asking for help to anyone and yet she is still open to lend her hand to those in need. She has always been selfless and kind. She is someone I look up to especially if I will be a mother one day.

Judah's Journey

Judah's Journey

3 year old Judah was born with a rare liver disease called Biliary Atresia. At 8 months old, he had to have a liver transplant. He is doing remarkably well! His mother discovered Tubby Todd products through other transplant moms who have used it. Judah’s skin is very sensitive do to his weakened immune system. Tubby Todd is perfect for him! Judah has a five year old sister who loves all things Tubby Todd as well. The family has been an inspiration to so many! Judah’s mom advocates and assists so many Biliary Atresia parents with fundraisers and giving!

A giving family

A giving family


The Brown family inspires me because they have 3 little ones, and still they love to help their friends and family however they can. Whether it be giving advice, picking someone up from the airport, or letting someone borrow their car, they are always willing to lend a hand. Both parents love to serve others, and will instill that gift to their children as well. They deserve to win because they like to bless other people, and they deserve a blessing too.

Missing family

Missing family

I’m nominating my family this year because we’ve dealt with a lot of loss this year and could use a pick me up. We lost my grandma, my dog, and a dear friend.

Bà & Ông

Bà & Ông


I nominate my parents - Bà & Ông (Vietnamese for Grandma and Grandpa). Single parenting is tough and I don’t know what I’d do without their love and help. My dad is retired and my mom works full time, then gets out and immediately assists with babysitting until I’m done with work - 5 days a week. They’ve always been hardworking and I aspire to be amazing just like them!

Epitome of Selfless

Epitome of Selfless

This is the most giving family that I know! They’re making ends meet off of a teacher and IT salary, in an expensive area (Charlotte, NC) to be close to family but find a way to sponsor kids for the holidays, be present at all events for their kiddo, buy all of their loved one gifts (including her students!). They’re special and deserve to be celebrated and get something special during the holidays. They live by the motto “the greatest gift is doing for others” on a daily basis. I love this family!

The Lambert's

The Lambert's


Courtney has been my best friend my whole life. We are cousins, but growing up only a year apart, we became sister, especially because I am an only child. She married Dylan a few years ago, and they are the most amazing people you will ever meet. They are both incredibly caring. Through a rough pregnancy, both stay resilient and positive throughout the whole thing. Courtney is a NICU nurse, who puts her babies above anything else. She is the most selfless person I know, and inspires me daily to become better.

Infant Loss and Redemption

Infant Loss and Redemption

The Finau family inspires me because they continue to push against all odds. Kim and Teaki Finau got married at a young age (17/18) and quickly became pregnant with twin boys. Those boys made it to 24 weeks in her womb before making their way out too early on Christmas night. With this loss, their family mourned. Against all odds, they continued to hold onto their faith and were blessed with twin boys years later. The Finau family serves their community by volunteering at their local foodbank and holds fitness classes 2x a week while homeschooling.

Sister, Mama, and Friend

Sister, Mama, and Friend


Joy King is my sister, she inspire me because no matter what life has thrown her way she still is a giving mama. 3 years ago on Veterans Day my BIL lost his life and left her with my 2 year old nephew and a baby on the way. Despite being a single mama now she still volunteers every week at her local church be it baked goods or teaching a Sunday school class, and always thinking of others. Most of all she’s got a big heart and loves TT for her babies. This would be a blessing.

The Mom Who DID!

The Mom Who DID!

My son’s mother inspires me every day, but especially this past year. She’s been a great mom for the past 3 years but this past year she took on 2 more roles. She went back to school to start her masters AND she started her career as a Special Education Secondary Teacher. As a dad I know parenting is hard, but I know when you add new full time career, and full masters student it isn’t easy. She still manages to make sure we’re taken care of, her 200 students are good, and does her classwork. I am amazed!

Just me and my boy 💙

Just me and my boy 💙

Hello, my name is vanessa, I'm 23 years old & i would love to nominate my little family (me and my son). My son is a 1 year old sweet boy whose father passed away last year in 2022. (in the beginning of the year) My son has never got to meet his father and it upsets me so much, but theres not much i can do but move forward, my son will know about him tho. Its just me and my son but I'm honestly struggling a little so winning this giveaway would be soo amazing 💙

Madness to Motivated

Madness to Motivated


My friend Stephanie has had an extremely hard year, struggling with her mental health, improving her physical health and being a stay at home mama to two beautiful girls. Despite the hardships she endures (financial instability, her child’s illnesses) she helped me through the most difficult time of my life, losing my mother to a short battle with cancer while I had a 1 year old at home. Stephanie supported me, spent time with my mother and promised that she’d care for me and my son and went above and beyond to help me climb out of a depression.

11/2/2023 Hit and Run while walking my dog

11/2/2023 Hit and Run while walking my dog


I was recently involved in a hit and run while walking my dog in Encinitas by SDA.I had the right of way and the lady ran over my right side and left me out on the roadside. I would love to nominate my family for coming together during these tough times especially for the holidays. I’m just so grateful to be alive and also our dog max survive. I now have fractured ankle with 4 screws and 1 plate in me for the rest of my life, shredded ligaments repair. My recovery time six months.

Black eyed beauty!

Black eyed beauty!


Their daughter was born with a rare genetic eye condition called anaridia and congenital cataracts. Her vision will be somewhere between unable to drive and legally blind. They have been through so much this last year from learning their daughter will be very visually impaired and likely blind to being told she likely has a tumor and other health concerns. Lucky everything has come back clear on the cancer screening for now. But they have a long medical journey ahead of them!

Blessed Hope

Blessed Hope

They create an incredible community of support for the foster and adoption community and are a foster and adoptive family themselves. Leah (mom) is a BRIGHT light of love and acceptance for all people. She has been an incredible friend to me through many seasons. They GIVE so much! They recently adopted their youngest, completing their family of 7. They and thoughtful about the things they put on and in their bodies. They would love TT!!

The Love Story

The Love Story


This young couple has had a ruff year from losing a sibling to planning a wedding then having a baby in less than 6 months. They have stayed strong loving and positive. They have worked the entire time without any complaints. They inspire me everyday to know times are rough but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

Dad's are hero's too

Dad's are hero's too

Diego is an amazing dad to two young children Izaiah(7) and Ava(1) while he struggles with gaining control of his epilepsy this past year he always puts his kids first . He makes sure that the days he is healthy and feeling good that he is there making his kids food , playing with them and of course bath time fun ! I think he definitely deserves to win and get shown appreciate for all he does and endures . A great young man who is trying his best despite the struggles he’s dealt with .

My sister is a superhero

My sister is a superhero

From being told she could never have children to raising a two year old and an infant at the same time while taking care of our mother during her chemo. My sister makes raising a household full of love look easy. Despite the hardships and stress, there’s never a shortage of food, laughter, or gentle parenting. She is a superhero and deserves a reward once in a while!

The wild and crazy ride!

The wild and crazy ride!

Meredith and Caleb welcomed a newborn foster baby into their home right before last Christmas, while Meredith was 4 months pregnant and had a 2 year old! Which means this summer they had a newborn, a 6 month old, and a 3 year old! Foster care is not easy and they have embraced the crazy so graciously and with such faith. They are incredible people, who love God and their children so well!

Hardworking single mom

Hardworking single mom


My little sister has been through ALOT this year. She’s a 23 year old single mom of a 4 year old little boy. She never asks for anything even when it’s clearly needed. As much as she’s been through, she still manages to keep her head held high, continue to be an amazing mommy to her son and help others when they need it. She always puts herself last and I feel as though if she won this it would give her a bit of confidence in knowing she’s appreciated.

Infant loss

Infant loss


My granddaughter was pregnant with twin girls and had them at 23 weeks and 5 days on September 6th. One twin passed on 9/7 and the other passed on 11/5. It’s been a really rough year for them and this would cheer them up and their other 2 kids that are 4 and 2!

Childhood cancer warrior story

Childhood cancer warrior story

My 3 year old was diagnosed with cancer in December 2022. She is going through chemo treatments till April 2025. The toll it has taken on her body has been painful to watch. But her spirit and fight is so inspiring. Even when she is feeling at her worse, she always wants to make sure everyone around her is ok and always manages to put a smile on our faces. Her skin has become so dry and she has cradle cap from losing her hair from treatments. Our family would benefit from this gift greatly.

Hard Pregnancy, Even Harder News

Hard Pregnancy, Even Harder News


This year my brother and sister in law found out they were having their second baby. During the reveal of the gender, they also found out their baby boy has Down syndrome. Shocked by the news, they still kept the most positive/optimistic attitudes. At 24 weeks pregnant she was hospitalized for 4 weeks, not knowing if the baby would make it. With so much uncertainty they remained positive still. During her hospital stay their family dog also died unexpectedly. It’s been a hard year for them and I can’t think of anyone, who deserves recognition and positivity more this season.

The real life Incredibles

The real life Incredibles


Even after living a parents worst nightmare of losing two kids to cancer, the Moore’s have turned something dark into an opportunity to help other families whose little one is fighting cancer. They created a charity event called Milo’s Run that takes place in Brownsville TX every September. Milo’s run honors their son and also now offers a kid friendly run, called Mallories Fun Run to honor the beautiful daughter they also lost. Through this fundraiser they have been able to purchase a new ambulance for Driscoll Hospital in Corpus Christi, the hospital where Milo and Mallorie were.

Jordan Family

Jordan Family

Kiersten has been one of my best friends since we studied abroad together in college. We’ve both had babies since then, but for the last year her daughter Luna has been fighting ALL (blood cancer). Their family has gone through so much and they deserve so much recognition and love right now. There are three kids under five in the Jordan family and they all use Tubby Todd! I know this would be such an awesome gift for them and would also be a much needed financial break. Please consider them for this!

Traumatic birth story

Traumatic birth story


My twin sister had her first Child this may and with any birth, things never go as planned. She laboured for 23 hours and ended up spiking a fever while giving birth and ended up with a vaccum delivery. Baby had to stay in the hospital for a few days and honestly she bounced right back up and tried her best to recover fast while caring for the new born. She was much stronger and braver than me when I had my first. She even takes care of my two kids ! She is brave she is strong!

The Postpartum Anxiety Story

The Postpartum Anxiety Story

They have been through a tough year. After their second baby, my daughter Monica started having postpartum anxiety/depression. It was an extremely hard time for her with sleep problems and the thoughts and feelings she was having that didn’t seem like her own. But, she sought help and her husband Ben was right by her side going to work every day and picking up extra jobs around the house so Monica could get the help she needed. After months of struggling they are all doing better. I admire how they stuck together and supported each other for their family.

Son in law has cancer

Son in law has cancer


They inspire me because my son in law is 28 and just got diagnosed with stage three cancer. He is going to school to be a nurse and they have a 2 year old son. He is being so positive despite his current situation. He is trying to be a great dad while going through chemotherapy and going to school still full time to create a better future for his family.