Meet 100 families who brought brightness to 2020

This year has been tough, there's no way around it, but we wanted to end 2020 by sharing some of the inspiring ways that mamas and families in our community were there to support each other! We set out to host our biggest giveaway ever and asked YOU to nominate a family that had inspired you this year. We received almost 1,000 submissions and can we just say that this is one incredible community. After lots of reading (and kleenexes) we decided we had to double our number of giveaway winners from 100 to 200. Below are the stories of 100 of our winners, and we also gifted the family who nominated each of the winners. Everyone received a year of bathtime ($250 value) and we received the gift of reading all of your incredible stories and sharing in your inspiration. Check them out below if you're looking for a little light at the close of this heavy year.

Strong even in the rough

Strong even in the rough

My cousin Ashlie is one of the hardest working people I know. In the midst of craziness she had her second baby this year a couple months after I had my fifth. Her and her husband have suffered car issues, money issues, and some turbulent family issues this year, and then she lost her dad to suicide in October. Despite this show is pressing on like she always does and just started school again to help support her family of her, her husband, and their 2 girls. I'd LOVE this for her.

Living on Love

Living on Love

The Harmon family is so very deserving to win Bath time for a year! This is the sweetest little family of 5. The father, Bryce, has been working & studying day & night through medical school through the Army. After moving to 4 different states in the last 6 years, they have finally settled into their home where they will be for the next 4 years during his residency. In November, Bryce was diagnosed with Melanoma Cancer. This family could use some sunshine & bubbles to start a new year!

The Light of the Future

The Light of the Future

In 2013 my brother in law committed suicide, leaving my sister and 5 year old niece. For years their lives were so difficult. Going to counseling, had to move in with my parents, my sister being a single parent. My sister Stacia always puts everyone else first and does everything she can to give my niece the best life she can. Finally, she met the love of her life, and they are now expecting their first baby girl together. If anyone deserve to be happy it is my sister! She deserves it!!

Support Across State Lines

The Bellamy-Poull Family has been my “village” from across state lines while my partner and I navigate having a toddler and an infant and managing our businesses during these crazy times. Karla has shown me how to persevere through the most difficult times and has encouraged me to seek out help for my postpartum depression. Karla has also inspired in the ways she has tirelessly ensured her son gets the best possible education and resources, even while working through virtual learning. We check up on each other and support each other and that means so much.

Strength through Love and Loss

After losing her husband in December 2019, my best friend has navigated one of the toughest years of her life. She is now a single mom to their two young children (5 & 2) and also moved during the pandemic several states away from family and friends to fulfill a dream her and Rob had. Her faith has carried her through some very hard times this year. I only hope to half the mom and wife she has been and continues to be. Her strength and perseverance is an inspiration to many people.

Daddy is forever in our hearts

Daddy is forever in our hearts

Theresa and her son Antonio will be spending their 3rd Christmas without daddy. It has not been easy for this young single mom/widow to juggle full-time work and raise her four year old, however she gets up every single day for him. Since this year has allowed her to work from home she seeks mini adventures by taking City walks, exploring new trails or a beach nearby. She loves to share these moments with Antonio shifting from the everyday. Daddy will always be in their hearts & outdoors is where he lifts their spirits.

The Family who never gives up!

The Family who never gives up!

This young couple (Kati and Zach) could have given up this year and gave in to the shortcomings of what 2020 has brought them but they haven’t. They have one young son Holtyn ( 1 year old) who is the light of their life. Zach works two jobs to make ends meet and Kati drives him two and from both jobs because they have one car . She drives about 6 hours a day and never complains . She is an amazing mother and I can’t think of anyone more deserving .

Single teen mom

Maryann is a single mother who is a SAHM who is also in school to become a nurse. She also just went through a divorce at a young age but still remains to be a positive person in her sons life (Joseph 1).

Working Hard

Working Hard

I am nominating my best friend Serissa to win because we both gave birth this year (me in July and her in November) and i feel like she deserves it after having to have an emergency c-section she now has to also work through the recovery of a gallbladder removal surgery tomorrow (12/17/2020) she’s went through a whole lot these past 6 weeks, and truly deserves it because she was there for me when i was going through postpartum depression as well.

The Covid Labor Nurse

Tabi Hicks inspired me because she not only was a rockstar through her entire c-section recovery after delivering her daughter, but she also battled covid about 4 weeks later. Exclusively pumping for her daughter to get her through jaundice, Tabi held strong!! She and her amazing husband made it through, and Tabi’s breastmilk provided the antibodies her baby needed to keep her protected from covid the entire time! Tabi is my best friend, an INCREDIBLE labor nurse, and a PHENOMENAL mother!

Foster care to Adoption

Foster care to Adoption

My sister and her family are some of the most loving and selfless people I have ever met! At the start of the year, their family of 6 felt called to adopt. Just a few months later, they were contacted by the state and asked if her family would be willing to foster and adopt two siblings, ages 4 and 5. Without skipping a beat, my sister said yes! After a lot of sacrifice, moving homes, and juggling the adoption process, the two kids have thrived in being apart of their family! It has been absolutely beautiful to witness.

The Hamiltons Story

The Hamiltons Story

Mr. Hamilton has stepped up and taken on an extra job to support his family consisting of an immunocompromised wife, special needs micro preemie and preemie. His wife has had four surgeries since March so he has been taking care of his family mostly by himself. He has gone above and beyond to make sure they have all their needs met while he works nonstop between his two jobs. He is an inspiration to me because of this.

Firefighter’s wife

I want to nominate my in laws. My brother in law is a firefighter who works in a big city. He has been exposed to Covid multiple times which has meant more time away from his family. My sister in law is an amazing mom of 3 kids: 5,3.5 and 2. She is an inspiration and role model for me, as she has to parent alone for long periods of time, especially now with Covid around. She does it with grace, patience and so much love. I have learned so much from her and look up to her so much

Friendly Family

I couldn't say enough good things about this family. They learned of our family's struggles during the pandemic & reached out to help in any way that they could. From meal preparation to providing care so that we could work to be able to take care of our own family. From strangers to family friends. I will always be grateful for their selflessness during this time.



Owen Brooks was born with bilateral polymicrogyria, hyper-extended knees, and an under-developed and set back jaw. He spent his first 201 days in the NICU at Arkansas Children's Hospital, has been through numerous surgeries, medications, casting, treatments, along with physical and occupational therapies. This sweet baby currently uses a trach to help him breathe due to his obstructed airways and needs vent support most of the day. Owen is a superstar and remains sweet natured and kind through everything. He still has a long journey ahead, but is looking great and continues to fight with a smile.

Stay At Home Mom

Jess and I used to work together. She’s always been a hard worker and willing to go above and beyond. Since having her second child, she’s become a stay at home mom. Which we all know is a full time job in itself. She takes everything in stride and busts her butt as a mom! She’s one of my best friends and (we both) deserves some help with bath time.

Surviving COVID 16 with Pregnant on a Ventilator

Surviving COVID 16 with Pregnant on a Ventilator

In early April, at 16 weeks pregnant with her second child, Ash found herself on a ventilator fighting for her life and her unborn child.

7 throat surgeries, an emergency C section, multiple blood transfusions, and a gall bladder removed Ashley has remained positive and strong the entire time.

Her sweet baby boy is almost 4 months and while she is still living with complications that will require more throat surgeries we praise the Lord for her being with us this holiday season.

The Lamadrid Family

I would like to nominate the Lamadrid family for this awesome gift because they are a wonderful family who truly deserves it! Adam is such a hard worker often times waking up to leave the house at 3am for work! His wife Felicia is a teacher and we all know how hard they have had it during this pandemic! Trying to teach her students remotely while watching her 1.5 yo daughter all while being 9 mo pregnant has been no easy task yet she never complains and always does what is best for her students! They both work so hard!

Selfless Leaders

Selfless Leaders

You help the less fortunate, give free counseling and feed the poor. Your life is an amazing example to me and the way you strive to go out of your way for others is simply astounding. You are a terrific family and deserve this! Love you so much!

Bathtime Giveaway

Lisa inspires me because of her strength as a woman my cousin is battling breast cancer and and is a single mother but inspite of everything her body has to go through she puts everyone else before herself to me she is a Superwoman in my eyes that is why I nominate her and her family.

Let Me Tell You About My Bestfriend

Let Me Tell You About My Bestfriend

I can never fully express how proud my best friend steisy makes me. She is a single mom of two girls ages 4 and 1. She works for the state of Massachusetts as her full time job and is also working 28 hrs a week doing her internship. All while finishing up her masters program and is set to graduate May 2021. Most days she is overwhelmed and stressed but she always makes sure her girls are happy even when she is stretched beyond her limit. I am so proud of her, and I want her to be proud too.

Twins for first responder

Twins for first responder

My sister was laid off at the beginning of the pandemic and soon after found out she was expecting twins! Like all pregnant mamas now she learned the news with her husband on FaceTime unable to be in the doctor’s office. They tried for years to conceive these babies and fear and stress of having multiples soon because overwhelming joy. It’s been a rough ride with a few hospital and bed rest stints but she and her husband an OKC fireman are so excited to welcome these babies in the Spring.

Foster Family

Foster Family

Jamie and Layne are the strongest and most inspiring parents I know. They adopted 10 children out of the foster care system and continue to foster young children and babies in their home. Their home is full of love and a place of healing and growth for children who have been through abuse and darkness that most can’t even imagine. They are lights—they bring children out of that darkness and give them unconditional love. It is a calling that they rise to and fully embrace, impacting not only the children in their care, but all those around them.

Life after suicide

This family survived a year after the death of their father and hubby. The five kids and mom have done amazing to persevere through the rockiest year of their lives. Please bless them by helping them “wash” away some more pain and hopefully over time the hurting will get less for them.

Resilience after a pediatric stroke

Resilience after a pediatric stroke

Milo Sabino was born during the peak of the pandemic. Shortly after birth, he had seizures and was diagnosed with a rare pediatric stroke that caused permanent brain damage. He attends therapy weekly, and is the most resilient baby. His parents, Marco & Mariah, do so much to not only support their son, but also give back. They host fundraisers that benefit non-profits, and create awareness around pediatric strokes. Mariah also lost her job during the pandemic, so they have faced great adversity, yet still are always thinking of others. This family is so well deserving of this giveaway!

Rainbow baby

My best friend and her husband lost their twins when she was nearing her third trimester. They came together as a family, grieved together, and have their rainbow baby CJ. Their love for each other and strength in the face of heartbreak that I can’t even imagine is admirable. I want to bring them joy and bubbles this holiday season.

Single mother - 3 boys

Single mother, raising three boys, alone, laid off from being a bartender. Struggling!

Cancer and bone marrow transplant during covid

Ragen is a hardworking teacher in Utah who loves her students and continued to teach throughout the crazy time of covid-19... teaching both virtually the first half of the year and then in-person this last half of the year all while being pregnant! Ragen was also born with heart issues and had to be closely monitored to make sure her heart could handle pregnancy and delivery. She also tested positive for covid while pregnant and endured through. They just welcomed their baby boy last month! She’s an awesome teacher and deserves this for her new baby!

Rockstar Mama!

Rockstar Mama!

Bridgett just had her first baby on October 14th! An adorable little boy named Cooper. She lost her mother suddenly to cancer just a week before he was born. She only had about a month with her after the diagnosis. She’s truly an amazing person & mother and I know her own mother would be so proud of her. She has also stepped up and taken in her teenage brother to care for as he gets through high school. Her whole world has been turned upside & I know she would love all the Tubby Todd products!

The Magic is in You

The Magic is in You

My best friend, Ashley, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in July. She’s got the sweetest daughter, Mavis. She’s had to be away from Mavis due to many hospital stats and inpatient chemo. She’s been in the hospital since Nov. 24th because during treatment she fell and broke her femur. Ashley is in excruciating pain and I can only imagine how hard it has been on her to not see her daughter. Tomorrow is surgery day to remove the tumor and then she will have more chemo post-surgery and possibly dialysis because her kidneys aren’t doing so great. She deserves a win!

Covid Buzzkill

This family is such a sweet and joyful example of remaining good and positive despite being laid off from his job at the beginning of Covid. They are constantly serving others and their sweet sweet children decided to donate any money they had to various fundraisers for families in need and various fundraisers in lieu of their own Christmas!

The gift of a nap

The gift of a nap

The McBride’s have 4 little kids under the age of 8. When my baby was just a few weeks old, Savannah offered to take Olivia and Scarlett(5 yrs old) so that this 43 year old mom could get a nap! While she was holding the baby she made my huge family dinner for that night. She did this every week for a good month. It was a huge blessing to me and truly relieved my burden. She’s expecting another baby in Jan which means she was newly pregnant when she was doing this for me! Angel!

Most deserving mama

Emily is an amazing mama. Not only does she serve and love her three young children, she takes time to take care of others. She recently won a giveaway on Instagram where she was given multiple coats from a company. Instead of keeping a ton of coats for herself, she contacted her local religious leader to see who in the area could use some extra coats for winter. That is just a small example of the kind and giving person she is. Emily is wonderful and inspires many to be better! ❤

Extraordinary family

This family is full of extraordinary grace love and extra chromosomes! They have two incredible boys, the oldest has Down syndrome and autism and the youngest has Down syndrome. They recently lost their beloved dog, buster, who has a huge emotional support for the family. They use tubby Todd as the have allergies and eczema and it’s one of the products they introduced me to when my daughter had eczema. They bring others great joy and love and i would love to encourage them with this giveaway as they are navigating grief.

Frontline Hero's Battle

Frontline Hero's Battle

My sister-in-law Allison was not only a full time mom, but a full time nurse throughout the pandemic. Her husband Aaron became a stay at home dad while Allison worked to care for their two babies under two. Although Allison had a brain tumor partially removed four years ago, it grew back and she had it partially removed the Monday before Thanksgiving. In the next few weeks she will begin chemo/radiation to treat her cancer. This family is an amazing example of the strength in love as they use that powerful force to face brain cancer head on.

Loving Away the Labels

I’m nominating Christina- a mom to an amazing little boy who has autism and her step littles. She spends her days working with kids in underserved areas, loves them like they are her own, spending not only her money but her time caring for and ensuring a well rounded life even when she can’t physically be there. She goes out of her way to make sure no one feels left out, everyone succeeds and exceeds any “limit” placed on them from outside labels. She exudes love, courage, and dedication.

Half a Heart, One Pandemic, Many Challenges

Half a Heart, One Pandemic, Many Challenges

My nephew, Theo, was born in July 2019 with all odds against him. He was born with virtually no left ventricles, and within minutes of being born, he was taken to open-heart surgery. Throughout the remainder of 2019 he had 3 surgeries, and started 2020 in the hospital recovering from one of these surgeries. As expected, Theo and his mom have been quarantining his entire life, but when COVID-19 struck, their quarantine went to a whole new level for his safety, as this virus would definitely hospitalize him. Bath time is Theo’s favorite time of day!

Women's Home

Women's Home

This family is always giving back to others and their community. Despite having 5 kids of their own and homeschooling, they continuously give to others. This year they purchased a home for the intention of using the house for people in need. They didn't know the exact use when they purchased it. When covid hit, they were notified of healthcare workers who needed somewhere to live so they didn't expose their family members. Josh and Briana Walter saw (under their non-profit) the need, got the house renovated, and provided housing for several ladies at no cost during this time.

Military Family

Military Family

My youngest sister, Kristen and her husband, Lucas live on in San Diego, whereheis stationed in the Navy. Lucas has been in active military since 2015 where he was stationed in Bahrain from 2016-2019. His role as a Minman in the Navy is one who searches for bombs in the ocean. Oh, and he’s a volunteer fireman! They had their first born child September of 2019 and Kristen has shown strength being alone, 1800miles away from her family during this year. I am so proud of her so I wanted to nominate her to prove she’s doing a great job!

The year of rain

The year of rain

This year has brought on multiple job layoffs, stage 4 brain cancer, a near death experience and the passing of their dog. With all of these trials (rain) this family has continued to show love, perseverance and kindness in every way they can. Lauren is there for everyone, at any time of need and you’d never know she’s been through it all this year. She truly has a heart of gold and is so deserving. She has inspired me to be positive and pay it forward when I can. She introduced me to tubby Todd and is a huge fan!

Autism in a Pandemic

Our friends Nic and Brit found out their 2 year old son had Autism at the beginning of the pandemic/ stay at home orders in Ca. They have been such a balance of strong and positive mixed with transparency and grief. Finding that out and then being so isolated/ having the access to help look so different has been rough. Therapy online is so complicated all while navigating care for their daughter as well. They have had such an exhausting year but have continued to serve their friends, our church and maintain joy. It’s so inspiring!

Fostering With Love

My generous brother in law welcomed us to stay at their home when we needed help. In addition to their own 3 girls, they have fostered a baby girl for over a year now! This year, the baby's brother needed a foster placement as well, and without hesitation they took him in too. Three daughters, two foster kiddos, and a nephew and niece ALL staying temporarily, and they never stop giving. Their kindness and generosity is appreciated by so many. They have brought a lot of light to folks, including myself, this year!

Cancer during a Pandemic

My friend’s husband was just diagnosed with colon cancer in November (it was severe enough that the dr showed up on their doorstep hours after his appointment telling him he had to come back to the hospital right away). They also recently found a second different tumor on the opposite side of his colon so he is now fighting two separate cancers in the middle of a pandemic all while homeschooling 3 kids (1 in middle school and 2 in elementary) and they also have a one year old.

Unexpected pregnancy news

We haven’t told anyone of this unexpected news. I was tested for genetic testing and a flag turned up for turners syndrome. We just moved across country and we’ve felt so alone lately. A wave of emotions come every day and it’s so hard to have uncertainty for this pregnancy. Of course this rainbow baby will be so loved and taken care of no matter what. The part that hurts the most is the possibility of this baby never having children of her own. Since she’s a rainbow baby, being pregnant is so special. It hurts thinking she might never.

Love through Loss

After very unexpectedly losing her husband in July, my friend has continued to show strength and love to her sweet 1 year old girl while also preparing for their new baby girl addition that is due in early 2021.

Her strength is inspiring as she has returned to work as a labor and delivery nurse to help other families as they welcome their new addition, even through her heartache.

I am blessed to have her for support, advice, and as a role model as I prepare for my first child due in March.

Mighty Mason Strong

Mighty Mason Strong

My sister found out she was pregnant with a little boy early 2019. In September of that year, they found out he had a CHD known as Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. He was born on December 18 at 34 weeks in Memphis, Tn at Region One, where his team at LeBonhuer Children’s hospital did everything they could to keep him alive after birth. He was on earth with us for 1 hour before he took his final breath. I nominate my sister because she has been a beacon of hope for other moms as she approaches 1 year of passing.

Totally Average

Totally Average

Honestly, there is no catchy entry title to describe the Fournier Family and their situation. There is not an extraordinary circumstance they are dealing with like infertility or childhood cancer or even unemployment. They are blessed and healthy and live in a beautiful neighborhood. They all love each other. They are super ordinary. But, I believe that the ordinary and average still deserves recognition. Especially right now everyone ordinary is living through a global pandemic which is truly extraordinary. And that is difficult. They have been unable to see aging grandparents and attend kindergarten and deserve a bubbly surprise!

One In Fifteen Thousand People

One In Fifteen Thousand People

A little over 3 years ago my niece was born however, she was born with CAH disease which affects a child's normal growth and development. My sister is a nurse and her husband was a coder at HONEY, the online coupon, however when they found out their daughter had this they had to really adjust their lives to accommodate to their daughter who needed to have many doctors visits to make sure she was ok. A few months after her husband lost her job. But, it worked out so he can stay home and take care of her indefinitely.

My Sisters Strength

When Covid struck, the airlines took a huge hit. My brother-in-law’s dreams of becoming a pilot were put on the back burner right as he was finishing his hours to get hired onto a regional airline. Although the airlines were on a hiring freeze, his school loans were still due. My sister while dealing with depression and anxiety instantly took on doing doordash every night and babysitting two additional kids (they have two) every week day! Despite money and time being tight, they continue to serve those around them and do not allow their kids to ever see their struggle.

A Special Needs life

Meghan met me in one of my worst seasons of life this past January. I had just lost my 19 month old son Samuel from seizures. She told me My two boys inspired her and gave her hope that her son would one day exceed doctors expectations. Both of my boys have a rare genetic form of epilepsy. There are less than 20 people diagnosed in the world.

Meghan has no idea that she inspired me too. Her adorable kids are so lucky to have a wonderful mom. She has brought me friendship and happiness in a hard time.

The Year of Unemployment

The Year of Unemployment

Josh, a personal chef, lost his job due to COVID-19. Regina, a child entertainer, also lost a significant amount of income due to the pandemic. They used their quarantine time to have sweet quality time with their three kids. Josh also went back to school for a new degree. Regina has shifted her career to support other entrepreneurs. They are managing this while homeschooling their kids. They could have lived in fear of the unknown but instead they focused on the good they have been given and they worked their tails off to shift careers during the pandemic.

Gold hearts💛

They have been trying for years to have children.. my cousin Ashley is a school teacher and those kids were her kids, but a couple years ago they decided to adopt a little girl. They have taken in her and her biological family as their own and view it as just more people to love. Now this year they decided to try to adopt a child with special needs. They have had heartbreak after heartbreak. They always ask us to pray that the child will find the right home and even if it is not theirs. They are amazing people.

The positive's possible

They inspire me because they are almost the exact opposite of me in most ways. There is one thing we have in common though and that is strength. No matter the curveballs life throws, they have always came out on top. They have made a beautiful life for themselves and I look up to it. This has inspired me in many ways, made me stronger, and shown me that I can come out on top too!

Teaching Mama

Teaching Mama

Chelsea and my sister have been friends since 2nd grade, my family loves her. In 2017 Chelsea and Mike’s second babe was born and diagnosed with a genetic condition. I am inspired by the way Chelsea and Mike have handled his medical needs, hospitalizations and have become such advocates for him. I am a pediatric RN and seeing this family integrate with the pediatric hospital life I’ve known makes me proud. Chelsea and Mike normalize feeding tubes/oxygen and differences. The LeRoy’s have adapted to meet his needs while helping others (Mike a fireman, Chelsea runs multiple volunteer activities helping kids).

Joy through Tragedy

The Chisholm family experienced a horrible tragedy a few weeks ago when their twins were in a near drowning accident. Their daughter is recovering but their son still has an unknown future and diagnosis due to his brain damage from the drowning. This family has two other kiddos and an upcoming trip to New Orleans to try treatment on their son to try to bring him back to them. This family is so sweet and does so much for others. I know that it would help lift some of the financial burden by having Tubby Todd for a year.

Mental health matters

Mental health matters

I’d like to nominate the Stephen’s family. My friend endured severe postpartum anxiety and depression, and she had the strength to ask for help when it was needed. She is full of light and laughter. She inspires me to advocate for myself. She shows me that mental health matters and that as mothers we need to take care of ourselves for our babies. I would love to gift this to her- it’s perfect timing because they are expecting their second child in just 3 months.

One Amazing Mama

One Amazing Mama

Alex Mooney was my birth photographer for my first child. Because of COVID she couldn’t photograph my second but she regularly does free sessions for families whose babies die shortly after birth because her own son, her fourth child, had a genetic anomaly and died shortly after birth. She went on to have another son. Alex also continued to pump after her baby died and to date has donated 25,000 ounces of breast milk!!! To top it off, her husband is a police officer who works nights. This is one truly amazing family and they inspire me!

Light in the NICU

Emily is the NICU nurse who cared for my son when he was born prematurely 2 years ago. She is also one of the most positive, light-filled people I know, and she’s shared her light with countless families during this pandemic. The NICU only allows one parent at the bedside, and she’s comforted, supported, uplifted, befriended, and encouraged so many parents whose pregnancy and delivery experience was not at all what was envisioned. Emily has a new baby at home and continues to work her hospital shifts with courage and commitment. She spreads light, love, and hope for the future.

Breastfeeding Angel

Our first and only borns are about the same age, almost 2! This sweet momma friend of mine had victory after victory during pregnancy, delivery and after. Her nursing journey was difficult so she had to exclusively pump and it wasn’t easy. She did this ever 2 hours until her daughter was a little over a year. She could have stopped but she continued for months during this year for another momma (whom she didn’t know!) so she could provide another baby with breastmilk! She did this, to my knowledge, for over 3 more months... maybe even more!

Complicated Pregnancy in a Pandemic

Complicated Pregnancy in a Pandemic

I want to nominate my coworker, Caitlin Coacher, for her resiliency through a complicated pregnancy during this pandemic. We both work as nurses in Labor and Delivery, which of course made Caitlin’s journey even that more unique. Caitlin went through multiple surgeries for her ovarian cysts and endometriosis causing her to have difficulty getting pregnant, resulting in her needing IVF. Caitlin continued to have complications through pregnancy such as gestational hypertension and more. She stayed positive and continued working up until 32 weeks by being a great labor support for other moms. She is a role model for all!

The Best Friend

The Best Friend

100 words was not enough to really express what Kassi means in my life so here is a list.

1. Full time mommy with a full time job while husband is in law school.
2. Military family.
3. The best friend a girl could ask for.

We have been friends since living on the same floor in college. We have gone through life together the last 10 years. Both of our dads passing away, Married the same summer in 2014 to now having babies 13 days apart in 2020. Her and her family mean the world to me and mine.

Ohana means Family

Ohana means Family

The Bardillion's have showed me what it means to sacrifice everything for your kids. They have 4 beautiful daughters that have shown my family and I what love, kindness, and the real strength of family. Even though we are not related by blood but throughout this pandemic has included our tiny family and treated us as if we were related. We are living in the Bay Area but both my wife and I come from New Jersey and with all of this years' challenges they have gone above and beyond to help us with anything and everything. Love You Guys

Compassionate family

Compassionate family

Dalia and Fredrick are the most compassionate and giving little family ever. This year my daughters came back to live with me permanently and I didn’t have enough money or things for them to get their rooms comfortable. Dalia and Fredrick have helped out with everything without being asked. They are truly a godsend and deserve nothing but blessings. We love you guys!
Gilbert Family

My best mom friend

My best mom friend

Amanda is a mom of 2 and works FT as a RT in the NICU.I struggled with getting pregnant for 2 yrs and she was always by my side encouraging and telling me to never give up. I finally got my miracle this year but being pregnant for the first time during covid has been difficult. Amanda just always knew when to call to check up on me and has been selfless providing gifts and hand me downs to get me started on my journey. She is not only a healthcare hero but my personal hero as well!

Grieving Family That Gives

Grieving Family That Gives

11yr ago they lost their first baby to SMARDS. One month ago they lost their 4th baby to the same disease. 11years ago to today they have done nothing but give back. Example: a few days ago they were able to donate,between Primary Children’s & Scared Children’s hospital, 40 bags of needs to parents, 404 pairs of leggings, over 100 blankets, dozens hats, 80 + toys for kids, and goodie baskets for medical teams. They serve during their grief and trails. They inspire me to give in time of trails and sadness. They are amazing!



Kenzie is a full time working nurse with three beautiful kids! Her second child kylynn has the sweetest spirit. She was born with hydrocephalus and because of that suffers from epilepsy and blindness. She also has cerebral palsy, cannot walk. Her parents work so hard to give her the best care she needs- but I cannot think of a more deserving family with tubby Todd! They are always the ones giving, it would be great to see them be on the other end of that!

Welcoming a 2020 Baby

Welcoming a 2020 Baby

Baby Ayla was welcomed into this world on 6/30/20.

This family inspires me because I couldn’t imagine going through my first pregnancy and birth of my first child during a pandemic. However, this young couple made the most of it with drive-through baby showers and FaceTiming during delivery. And to top it all off, they are both working from home full time with a newborn!

Despite it all, they keep smiles on their faces and are so grateful for their blessing. I am beyond proud of them and have enjoyed watching them grow over the years.

My son's Adoption

My son's Adoption

A while ago I wasn't living so healthy, long story short I had to give my son up for adoption. He was almost 2 years old. Katy his new Mom now is AMAZING! she had actually became a strong support of mine and she has reached out to me in my times of need many times. My son absolutely loves his new family and he is so blessed. I thank God everyday for this family who stepped in when I couldn't step up as a mom. thank you Katy and family. you guys are a true life saver! I love you all.

My Kindred Spirit

My Kindred Spirit

While caring for our beloved mother who has been battling breast cancer, my sister and I both found out we were pregnant February 2020. I have never known someone who works so hard to bring joy to other's lives. You’ll find her encouraging my mom, while my nephew squeals and plays in the bath. Bath time with her son is a sweet time in her day to relax and giggle despite her worries. We gave birth in November to two beautiful babies that have crowned a year of suffering, with joy. I can’t think of someone more deserving than her.

2020 Sonnenburg Story

2020 Sonnenburg Story

Jen, a nurse working on the front lines of COVID had her first baby (Carter) in May and 10 days later her husband Josh was deployed to assist with the Minneapolis riots. Upon his return from that he was sent on a second month long deployment in California. Josh is also a nurse working on the frontlines of COVID. Jen & Josh (and their baby Carter) are absolutely the most hard working and caring people you will ever meet in your life. They deserve the world!

Mom leaves behind husband and 11 children after brief battle with aggressive lung cancer

Mom leaves behind husband and 11 children after brief battle with aggressive lung cancer

May 11th we got word that my sister was ill and getting testing done. She was diagnosed with an aggressive lung cancer and given 4-8 weeks to live. June 2nd she went Home to Heaven leaving her family behind. My 18yo niece Beth is so inspiring, as she has stepped right up to the near impossible task of helping to raise 7 younger siblings, keep the home, and even homeschool the children. My sister’s oldest two sons are serving in our country’s military as they go through this devastating loss. It’s inspiring to see them carry-on after such great loss.

6 kids + two more

While pregnant with their 6th child they were placed with 2 neighbor girls who needed emergency placement they welcomed them into their home and treated them like their own, all on one income and welcoming their baby in April during a pandemic.

Amazing Mother In Law

Amazing Mother In Law

My mother in law is a wonderful person. She is raising 5 children and her home is open to foster children as well. She spends her days with all of her kids and her grandchildren as well. She never has a moment alone, and she continues to love and care for them without a doubt. She is constantly cleaning and cooking and just being amazing. We love and cherish her so much. I strive to be like her!

Triplet Adoption Triumph

Triplet Adoption Triumph

This couple longed for children which they seemed not to conceive. They entered the foster/adoption process and received a call that TRIPLETS, newborn, needed a loving home. Without hesitation they joyfully and lovingly have taken these three babies into their home. They are first time parents, parents to triplets. When they received the call they had prepared for ONE baby, but little did they know they were destined to welcome THREE beautiful babies into their loving arms. These babies are cared for, loved, and treated like royalty, by two loving parents whos smiles radiate the entire room.

Wish come true

I introduced them several years ago. They have been trying to have a baby for along time. Had an ectopic pregnancy, lost a tube. Cancelled there wedding do to covid and Matt lost his job after buying there first house together. A few months later the finished basement flooded. Finally they got pregnant and little Kynlee was there perfect

The One in a Million

My best friend has had five miscarriages over the last few years and her husband in the military has been away from her through many of them. My friend was recently told that she would have a one in a million chance of her next baby surviving but like the fighter she is, her and her husband decided to try again and are now expecting to deliver a healthy baby boy. They have had such a rough year like many people but there is nobody I know who inspires me more than them! Thank you so much for this opportunity!

My beautiful sister

My younger sister is strong, beautiful, and selfless. She is a single mom of two. She has made some rough choices in life, and over the past two years she has completely turned her life around. She is a recovering alcoholic, sober for two years now!! Yay! who over the past year has decided to go back to school to get her degree. While being in quarantine as a single mom, she has been studying and taking 15 units and working at schools as a noon duty in San Diego. She is deserving of all things good :)

Covid Story

Covid Story

They have inspired me because she has a 1 year old and she is pregnant. Her husband has been gone overseas in the military serving out country while she is raising her daughter and about to deliver. Two weeks ago she somehow got COVID and has been having to take care of herself and her baby while being pregnant with COVID. No one in her family has been able to help due to the virus being extremely contagious. She thought she was going to have to be admitted but has is on her ups. They deserve a special treat!

Severe Eczema

Severe Eczema

I know it’s selfish to nominate my family; however, my son has severe eczema. The only products that help is the Dream Cream and AOO along with prescription ointments. I have to use your products 2-3x/daily. This adds up in products loss frequently and money spent that we are struggling to find with one parent working during this pandemic. However, like most parents, we find a way for our children. Thank you for your products that has helped my son’s skin and scalp tremendously! I can finally see my son’s skin tone, not just red. Thank you!

Mama’s Healing Touch

My friend/coworker Marlet is not only an awesome nurse that save little babies lives in the NICU at night ( Night shift nurses rock!). She is a rockstar single Mama to her 3 year old son Micah. Despite her busy schedule at work, she manages to take care of Micah and all his needs especially during this crazy time. She inspires me to be a better mom and a better person. She motivates me and teaches me that everything is possible especially when you do it for family that we love.

Warrior Sloane

Warrior Sloane

The Bentley family has been through so much this year and their warrior baby, Sloane, has been in the NICU for over 40 days as she was born at 29 weeks. I can’t think of a better blessing than to provide the best products for their little fighter💗

Serving Those Who Serve

The Harn family is an inspiration to all! Starting with the Dad, Ezra Harn, who has served in the Navy for 20 years...Even with him going out on deployments and leaving for months at a time his wife Holly manages to volunteer for their 2 daughters 4-H, helps coach soccer, runs the garden at the girls school, leads the young women in her church and never turns down an opportunity to serve her community in any way she can. Her daughters are successful students, athletes and great examples to their friends. I wish I had more than 100 word limit.

IVF miracle & covid nurse

IVF miracle & covid nurse

After years of fertility and IVF treatments, pain, and loss the Pickens family finally had their miracle baby (Spencer Layne) in July 2020. It was not an easy road, Kelsey (mom) had an abruption in March and was hospitalized at the hospital she works at, almost losing the baby. Kelsey is a registered nurse working on the front lines through the covid pandemic. After every shift Kelsey panics that she might pass covid to Spencer. I know she would appreciate the Tubby Todd products so much!

My daughter, the teacher

I am so proud of my daughter and her husband. It is tough enough during these times to be pregnant but to also be a pregnant teacher is is pretty scary, at least to me. But my daughter believes with all her heart that her students NEED to be in school for proper education. She teaches special education math. So even though there are some extra risks being around kids who sometimes will throw caution to the wind she is there for them.

Mother and Daughter

I would like to nominate my friend Sonali and her daughter Anjali. Sonali is a single mother, and a teacher. But so much more than just those titles. She is one of the most kind, thoughtful, and funny people you will ever know. She is selfless, fair, and stands up for people. She sincerely cares for humanity. I would love for sweet Sonali and Anjali to win this - a little brightness in a year that has been so tough for so many of us. Thank you!

The Little Heart Warrior

The Little Heart Warrior

The Hamad family has been thrown more obstacles in 5 months than most experience in a lifetime. They have overcome their newborn son having open heart surgery, a 2 month hospital stay with complications, and they also contracted Covid all while their family business had been shut down due to the pandemic. This family has leaned on each other and gotten through these hurdles with unwavering love and positivity. They truly have been an inspiration and an example of how, if you focus on the good, you can get through the worst to see the light of a new day.

Housefire and new beginnings

Housefire and new beginnings

The Stecklers had a housefire and lost most of their personal belongings due to fire/smoke damage. After that home was repaired, they sold it and have been building a pole barn home themselves. In doing this, they will no longer have a mortgage so the mother has taken a leap of faith and decided to put her nursing career on home to be a SAHM. She has fine tuned her budget but I know a year of bath supplies would be much appreciated! They are such a wonderful family - always smiling and positive no matter the circumstances!

Look For the Helpers

They have inspired me through this year because they continue to give to others. They’ve taken meals to people when they’re sick, lent out personal belongings to new moms, and they are always looking for ways to help whomever has a need. The cherry on top is that they just flat out radiate positivity. Mrs. Cockrell is also teaching fourth grade to online students and she just continues to give to others. In an oftentimes scary year, they’ve been the helpers that Mr. Rogers talked about- look for the helpers.

A tough year to say the least

My sister is a teacher, a really great one. Teaching is mentally and physically exhausting in the best years, but in 2020, the mental and physical exhaustion endured by her (and many teachers this year) was and currently still is unparalleled. Worrying about the kids you teach at a time like this on top of worrying about your own child at home when you physically (and yes, mentally) don’t have the energy after a day of teaching because your day doesn’t end. But she’s done it. And kept a smile amidst some tears. My sister is one of my heroes.

The Strongest Woman I Know!

The Strongest Woman I Know!

Emily is a single mom of 4! Her soon to be ex husband was mentally/physically abusive. She was strong enough to leave him with TWIN TWO MONTH OLDS and her two oldest children to create a better life for her kids! Since setting out on her own she had continued to pursue her MBA (she is a teacher) while raising 4 children with very little financial help! (Has child support and a relationship with the two oldest father but is seeking to severe parental rights for the twins father.) She deserves all the love and help in the world! 💕

Spice in my Life

Victoria and I had our babies 5 weeks apart and during that time, got really close. She is a beacon of strength and guidance for not only her family, but for me. Motherhood is extremely difficult— through all the stages, and it really means so much to me that she’s picked me up when I was down and, judged me for my parenting choices, and has just been so supportive since day one. I’m inspired to spread mama kindness like her!

Glimmer of Hope

Glimmer of Hope

This family is the definition of inspiration. From the beginning they were told to end pregnancy b/c baby won’t make it. They didn’t. Baby continued to thrive and grow and is truly Gods miracle! She has CHD and Downs and has a smile bright enough to light up the town. They’ve been through heart surgery in a pandemic. They e used their journey to inspire others and teach us to believe. A truly happy story that needs more than 100 words. Follow Emily (@glimmerofhope321) on IG to read more

2020, Right?

My friend, Amber, hit the jackpot this year. After losing several pregnancies to issues with her cervix basically being nonexistent, Amber was finally able to get pregnant! She has two little kids already, and due to her high-risk pregnancy, is unable to do necessary things like pick them up, walk around a lot, etc. Add to that the stress of 2020 and having to keep her kids at home all the time, but also continuing to help at church, visiting neighbors-bringing gifts, and reaching out to the youth she serves to provide comfort in this year, she’s just the best!

Patrick’s Got Grit and a sister

Patrick’s Got Grit and a sister

2 year old Patrick diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic neuroblastoma 2 months before his baby sister was born. Has been in and out of CHOP for treatment with dad, mom is at home with baby girl. She is living my nightmare but they are so strong together and formed Patrick’s Army of Supporters...Patrick’s got Grit. They deserve something good right now after all the ups and downs of this year. They are a sweet family and have always been kind.

Shining Light

This beautiful family has walked through immense pain with profound grace over the course of this year. In June they welcomed their fifth child into the world - an incredible baby boy, Haddon. Born with Heterotaxy Syndrome, he continually showed everyone what a warrior he was. During his three months here on earth Haddon touched countless lives and showed us the light of God in remarkable ways. His amazing family loved and fought for him with such unconditional love. Their attitudes of joy in the midst of such deep heartache continue to touch the lives of many.

Beautiful fighter

Beautiful fighter

My niece Ava was born with a rare skin condition called EB. She has been my little hero since the day she was born. She has gone through so much in her short life and has “butterfly” skin. Tubby todd skin care has helped her fragile skin to moisturize and heal when she gets painful blisters all over her body. It is a lifelong condition with no cure. She is the strongest little human i know!

Deserving Essential Workers

Deserving Essential Workers

Courtney was a pregnant ICU nurse before the pandemic began. She continued to work her entire pregnancy in a COVID ICU while her husband, Alex, kept our communities safe as a policy officer. They have battled through this entire year as essential workers, giving their all to their patients and their community, all while giving birth and now raising an infant through these hard times. They’ve given so much to everyone else and they deserve to get something in return!

My soul mate is my sister.

My soul mate is my sister.

My sister and I had spent 30+ years in the same zip/area code—by design; she now lives in Hawaii with her husband who is stationed in Honolulu. I miss her every day. She's on the front line as a top neurologist and she's pregnant with her rainbow baby. Tubby Todd was there for my family when I had my son 5 years ago; I want Tubby Todd to be with her when she has her baby, especially as I live so far away in NY. She's kind, funny, obviously brilliant, and special. I hope you think so, too.

Motherhood Struggle

Diana is a single mom who works as a front line Healthcare provider during the pandemic. Her son is her world but with covid19 she still needed to work. So she sent her son to stay with the grandparents for six months to keep them safe. She would only see them once a week where she was suited up in mask and sterile gown. Her son sometimes didn’t recognize her under the suit and wanted to hug his mom and give her a kiss but he couldn’t. Love of a mother is endless and always puts her child’s safety first

Fergus party of 6

Fergus party of 6

The Fergus family never expected to have children, but in one year they went from fostering 1 child to a full blown adoption of 4 kids that needed homes! Welcoming 4 new kids, they created wonderful memories, grew close, and learned from each other, all the while making the 4 children permanent family members to everyone’s delight. The children have given their parents the title of the Fergus 6, haha. I can’t imagine going from 0-4 children in one year, but they did it with all smiles and made everyone’s 2020 wish come true. The youngest 3 would love Tubby!