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The Mama Blog

A Day With the Basics: Alexis Kaiser

We love to see how families use Tubby Todd every day. Follow along with this series, A Day with the Basics! If you use Tubby Todd in your home, be sure to tag @_themamablog and #adaywiththebasics to share! Today, we are hearing from Alexis Kaiser about her life as a blogger, mother and wife. 

Q: Give us the history on you! And would you mind sharing one or two things that many may not know about you?

A: Hi! I'm Alexis Kaiser, I'm a lifestyle blogger over on and @alexisjadekaiser on Instagram. I'm 25 years old. I'm currently living in Provo, UT, with my husband Adam, baby girl (10 mos) Billie Stone, and my two cats, Twiggy and Jimi. Two things you may not know about me? Hmm. I'm actually a very introverted person. I feel my "life battery" recharge when I'm simply by myself with a cup of tea and a good podcast. Second thing, I'm 5'10" and a vegetarian!

Q: Tell us about Alternative Indigo. What inspired you to start this unique company? Such a great aesthetic!
A: So I started my blog about 4 years ago, to just kind of document my outfits - what was going on in my life, and sharing products I loved. I started it honestly because of my husband. He said that I should just go for it and do it! So, I did just that. I'm glad he pushed me out of my comfort zone to create the platform now, that I value and love so much. It's been so amazing connecting with sooo many like minded people. I feel extremely blessed to have made all the connections I have and for all the support I've received through this journey. Thank you! 

Q: Can we know a little bit about your day to day as Alexis Kaiser? What is a day in the life?
A: Well, despite what it may seem on Instagram, I'm just a normal young mom, taking one day at a time. :) Billie co-sleeps with us, so she's my wake up call. We get up, our day starts with a big glass of water and some wild blueberry oatmeal with peanut butter. During the day we play, read, and take naps. Well one of us that is :) I like to play catch up with work and use my time during her naps to re-ground myself and do what makes me happy! We love when dad comes home and always have dinner together and usually end the day with lots of books and cuddles. 

Q: Going along with your unique vision and style, tell us about Billie Stone! What a gem! How did you come up with that name?
A: So Billie, is actually a very popular girl name in Australia. My grandma also had a friend growing up named Billie. Me and the hubs just kind of fell in love with it and felt like Stone complimented Billie well. We always wanted a unique name for our baby, but didn't want anything trendy, so Billie Stone has been the perfect name for our little babe.

Q: What are some of your favorite resources (books, blogs, websites, etc) you follow?
A: Ooh I could name so many, but I really love following along with Ellen Fisher, I love her Instagram and her YouTube Channel. I also love Sarah Lemkus, Jinti Fell and my friend Kelly Packer Nielson has the best recipes and the cutest little bean. I'm not huge on reading, but I do love podcasts, I really loved listening to The Birth Hour when I was pregnant. And I'm currently loving Yoga Girl's channel. She's hilarious and a new mom as well so it's very relatable for me. 

Q: We love hearing people talk about their dreams. What are some of yours? They can be simple + small, some bucket list items, or an overall grand hope for life?
A: I'd love to have a big piece of property one day and live off the land. I imagine myself living in a small cabin like house, with a massive garden, lots of animals surrounding us and tons of flowers! I'd love to travel more, outside of the country and see more of the world. Bali is on the top of my list! I just wish for a happy life, that is simple. Where there is love, there is happiness for me. The older I get, the more I realized how material things mean absolutely nothing and really don't contribute to my happiness at all. I wish for a healthy family and a full, happy life. 

Q: You seem to have a travel bug. Where are some of your favorite places to go and why?
A: Yes! We love to explore. We have a fun adventure planned for this summer, so do stay tuned for that! I really love Moab, Utah. There's just nothing like it, the arches, the rich orange landscape. It can't be beat. I also actually love visiting Florida. We always go there in the early spring when the weather is just right and sitting on the beach with the ocean crashing behind you and a salty breeze, it just can't be beat. 

Q: Do you have a favorite Tubby Todd product?
A: Do I ever! I LOVE your guys' lavender and rosemary body wash. It smells divine and it was the first thing we used on our sweet Billie :) It's lathers so nicely and is so gentle and leaves her smelling like heaven. 

Q: Let’s talk about bath time! How do you and Billie Stone make bath time fun?
A: Oh, my little mermaid. I swear she could live in the tub. We like to make lots of bubbles and I bring all her little bath toys in, we listen to music, splash and play. It's always a sad day when it's time to get out. Billie sure loves bath time! 

Q: Lastly, what are some of the biggest lessons you’ve learned from being a mother?
A: Man, where do I even begin. First of all, being a mother has instilled an immense appreciation and respect for women in me. From carrying our children for 9 months, to birthing them, and raising them. We are strong, and we are fierce! I have such a different perspective every time I see a mother. Being a mother has taught me patience, so much patience. It has taught me what being truly selfless means. It has taught me how to be present and live for the moment. It has taught me how to love deeper than I ever thought imaginable. It has taught me a lot about the person I am, to my core. Lastly, it has taught me about how truly magical and miraculous life is. The greatest name I've ever been called, is Mother. 


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