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The Mama Blog

A Day With the Basics - Bekah Russom

We love to see how families use Tubby Todd every day. Follow along with this series, A Day with the Basics! If you use Tubby Todd in your home, be sure to tag @_themamablog and #adaywiththebasics to share! Today, we are hearing from Bekah Russom about her life as a blogger, mother and wife. Follow her on Instagram to see how she uses Tubby Todd in her day to day!

Q: Tell us about a Day in the Life of Bekah and family! What a fun life you lead in Tennessee.

A: Hi! My name is Bekah. My husband Nolan and I live with our four kids in beautiful Franklin, TN! We have 2 boys and 2 girls. Lennon is 8, Ellington is 7, June is 4 and Ever is 2. Several years ago we left the city and bought a small farm in the country. We have chickens and goats and pigs and dogs and cats. Ours days have been quieter on one hand since moving to the country and on the other hand I can’t imagine things getting any crazier! Most mornings (weather permitting) are started around a bon fire with coffee ( LOTS OF COFFEE!!) My husband has an office on our property so we are able to spend lots of time together as a family. We have been renovating our farmhouse since we moved in three years ago and now that our house is done, our focus is outside! It seems like we are always on to the next project whether its clearing land or building fences or putting finishing touches on our newly finished house! Ours days are dirty. Its hard to keep the outside and inside separate with so many kids and animals. Our girls when they aren’t playing with our piggies or running around outside are in the bath. I kid you not they take 2-3 baths a day! It feels like the only clean fun out here! Now that we are in summer and we have our guys home with us everyday, our schedules have slowed and we are taking time to focus inward as a family and go on as many adventures as possible! We love to take our bikes and explore new trails and eat as many different kinds of tacos as possible. 

Q: Okay so you live on a small farm... SO COOL! What is that like? How do your kids like it?

A: Our farm has been the biggest blessing and gift to us. I grew up in the country on land, but we didn’t have animals. I can’t put into words how amazing raising our kids around animals and with room to roam and explore has been. Our lifestyle has given our kids a lot of freedom. Our two year old Ever loves to run to the chicken coop in the morning to check for eggs and to our mud room and get the piggies their food. Our boys love to pack their backpacks and go hiking in our woods on our trails and June our four year old got to help me deliver a baby goat this past winter. Living on land and with lots of critters is a lot of work. Something always needs to be cleaned or fed and it gives our kids the perfect chance to work hard and see what it feels like to get your hands dirty and the reward that comes with it.

Q: We love hearing people talk about their dreams. What are some of yours? 
A: Nolan and I have always dreamt of owning and airstream and traveling the country just the 6 of us. We are actually renting one soon for two weeks as a trial adventure! On that note though, I feel like I am living out my biggest dream everyday. I have always dreamt of being a wife and a mom. The mundane everyday moments bring me the very most joy. Creating those memories and special moments for our kids , whether its hiking in the mountains and exploring new places or smashing bananas in the kitchen together to make some banana bread or sitting by a fire in the mornings with groggy babies on my lap are some of my biggest dreams being lived out! I also have always dreamt of having a home that people wanted to come to. That was healing for them. A home that when people visited it was a little escape from reality that brought a peace and calmness to them , where food was always being served and coffee mugs were always full! 
Q: What is your favorite Tubby Todd Product? What do you love about it? 
A: Okay I have two...Sorry, it's so hard to choose! Everly has crazy curly hair and I have had a really hard time figuring out how to manage it. The tubby Todd conditioner has been a game changer for us! After I wash her hair I use about a dime size amount of the conditioner and work It through her curls and don’t wash it out and it has been THE BEST EVER! It just breathes life into her gorgeous ringlets (and it smells so yummy too!) My second favorite is the bath bombs! You know those 2-3 baths I talked about earlier?? If the kids could they would have a bath bomb in every single one!! I love how when we put one in the tub the whole bathroom and the kids bedrooms fill up with the yummiest scents and of course I don’t have to worry about what is in them!
Q: How do you make bath time fun with your kiddos? Do they have a favorite routine? 
A: Our nighttime baths are the ones we stick to a routine on. Our boys like to shower and have their big bottle of Tubby hair and body wash which makes things super easy. Our girls love their bubble baths, so we typically fill up the tub with toys and bubble bath and let them play before washing up. When we get out we later up in one of the yummy Tubby Todd lotions in our collection and get in PJ’s before spraying our tubby detangler and working thru those  previous curls I was talking about!
Q: What is the biggest lesson you have learned from motherhood? 
A: The biggest lesson I have learned in motherhood is that It goes so fast. I thought I would always have tiny ones in diapers and little ones toddling around learning how to walk and now I’m here with one about to enter 4th grade. The moments that we get with these babies are the best moments of our lives. Our children have so much to teach us starting with how they live each day so full of joy and find happiness in the smallest of moments. Listen to them. Really hear what they have to say.  This world would be a better place if we all viewed the world thru our kids eyes and loved like they do. 
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