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Happy Father's Day to All Our #tubbytodddads

Every year we ask you to tell us all about why your little one's dad or father figure is the absolute best for our annual #tubbytodddad contest (almost 600 submissions and a few boxes of tissues later we can truly say you all didn't disappoint!). We give lots of love to the mamas throughout the year so it's important to us that we take this time to shine a big, bright spotlight on all the incredible superdads in our community and thank them for all that they do! We love them for their jokes, cool dad style and expert bathtime skills but most of all we love how well they love our little ones (and us!). Our featured dads below have each won a $150 Tubby Todd gift card to stock up on goodies for a little extra bathtime fun with their babes—let's hear it for the dads! Happy Father's Day!
"He has been taking care of all of us and carrying a lot on his broad shoulders. We love him so much!" —@mandi_moon_pie
Chase Henderson TT Dad: Chase Henderson Why he's the best: Chase is an amazing dad to our son Theodore and pet father to our cats and dog. He is a master at changing cloth diapers, bath time, singing all the songs, and turning a frown upside down. He has also been so supportive to mummy since I was struggling after giving birth. He has been taking care of all of us and carrying a lot on his broad shoulders. We love him so much! Favorite Tubby Todd product: All of them! But the Diaper Paste has been AMAZING and it’s safe for cloth diapers! Nickname: The Black panther!


Pedro Silva TT Dad: Pedro Silva Why he's the best: My husband came from Brazil to America with absolutely nothing, and he has promised since day 1 to work hard so our kids can have a good life and never struggle and face the things he did as a child. He works so hard for our kids sometimes in the heat all day and will still come home and have energy to play with the kids. He loves giving our toddler baths and has made it a night time routine to use all tubby Todd products. He got sun burnt at work the other day, came home and “borrowed” an extra bottle of the AOO and put it all over his sunburn (which helped so much) he swears by it for everything including dry skin, skinned knees, and sunburns! He is a total tubby Todd dad and deserves to be a winner!!! Favorite Tubby Todd product: All Over Ointment Nickname: Dada, papai


Mike Cento TT Dad: Mike Cento Why he's the best: When I became pregnant with our second, my husband stepped up to the plate big time. He does bath and the nighttime routine every single night, takes her to swim lessons in the pool, loves on her and shows her compassion like no other father I’ve seen. Since having our baby, he has not only been doing everything I said, but also taken over her therapy sessions. Our eldest daughter has many developmental delays which requires hours of therapy each week, something I would take her to until baby was just born. He maneuvers his work schedule making up the hours in the morning or evening so that he can be at all her therapy sessions. He always comes home telling me the things she’s done or the things they are working on together. She is currently nonverbal so at times caring for our eldest can be a challenge, but he never lets it show. I count myself to be incredibly lucky each day to have a husband who is an amazing father to our daughters. Favorite Tubby Todd product: Hands down All Over Ointment, although wrangling her to put it on is not his favorite! Nickname: Dada


"Despite all the challenges that come with his injuries, he still manages to create a world full of adventure and imagination for our kids." —@berryjamm
Greg Galeazzi TT Dad: Greg Galeazzi Why he's the best: Greg is the best (Tubby Todd) Dad because despite all the challenges that come with his injuries, he still manages to create a world full of adventure and imagination for our (two) kids. He is their best friend and best play mate! He pushes himself to the limits as long as it means that his kids can get to enjoy every bit of life and know that their father did everything to be a part of it--As much and as best as he could. Favorite Tubby Todd product: All Over Ointment! Nickname: Dada


Carlo Serapio TT Dad: Carlo Serapio Why he's the best: This dad does it all! Not only is he an amazing dad to our twin boys, he is a patient and fun foster dad who adapts with the never ending changes. We were fostering during COVID when we had our twins and he cooked, cleaned, drove, danced, and juggled our busy schedule while also working. When our boys were in the NICU, he didn’t stress but drove us an hour each way to visit our babies daily. Since then he does double feedings in the middle of the night, double the laughs, and double bath times. He does all of this without complaining and sets a great example for our boys! Favorite Tubby Todd product: Hair + Body Wash (Lavender Rosemary) is his favorite to help with our baby’s eczema-prone skin and make our baby’s helmet smell nice and clean! Nickname: DaDa


"He’s the diaper change champ around here and has a way of making the little things fun." —@sarahgchun
Moses Chun TT Dad: Moses Chun Why he's the best: Somehow our son exclusively has blow outs on Dad! One time it went on his pants and sweatshirt, and when he changed out of the poopy clothes he received a fountain of spit up as a thank you! He still changes diapers with a huge smile and sings random songs like “We Ready” to get JP pumped up for bath time. After almost a month he convinced my dad to change a diaper, too (it’s been 28 years for my dad) so he’s the diaper change champ around here and has a way of making the little things fun. Favorite Tubby Todd product: All Over ointment- he and my son have sensitive skin and it completely healed our son’s baby acne in time for newborn pictures! Dad likes to give post bath time moisturizing massages on JP’s dry spots. Nickname: We call him Appa which is Dad in Korean!


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