So we've pretty much accepted the fact that our kiddos will never be as perfectly clean as we'd like them to be. They're always getting into everything—touching, grabbing, and of course putting their hands straight into their mouths (seriously, WHY). Give yourself a little mama peace of mind with our favorite tips to keep those icky germs away!
1. Wash Hands Often
We love setting up a hand washing station by every sink in the house with our Wash + Lotion Bundle! Wash hands often and with PROPER hand-washing technique! That means use hot water and scrub scrub scrub. Make sure your soap is completely lathered and massage hands and wrists for 30 seconds before rinsing.
2. Sanitize at Home and On-the-go
When you're out and about you (and your little ones especially) are probably touching lots of surfaces like door handles, railings—all those places that collect icky germs! Since you won't be able to wash your hands as often as you'd like while you're out, make sure to pack some Hand Sanitizer in your purse or diaper bag before you leave the house. Give your hands a spritz after touching particularly high hand-traffic areas.
Try adding our new Gel formula to your sani collection! We love keeping this 8.5oz bottle with convenient pump on your diaper changing station or anywhere else you need to clean hands in a pinch!
3. Don't Forget the Towels
While you're washing your hands often, make sure to wash your towels and sheets frequently too! Basically anything that touches your hands or face you'll want to keep as squeaky clean as you can.
4. Teach the Elbow/Shoulder Cough
Show your little ones the best way to cough into their shoulder or sleeve by turning it into a game! Tell them that each time they cough or sneeze they can think about giving their shoulder or the inside of their elbow a kiss and have them aim for that spot!
Shop new Gel Hand Sanitizer HERE