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The Mama Blog

A Day With the Basics — Dad Edition, Jeff Mindell in Los Angeles, CA

In celebration of Father's Day we are showing a little love and appreciation for our #tubbytodddad community and all they do. In the next few weeks, we will be featuring some of our fav Tubby Todd Dads on our Day With The Basics Series. We reached out to Jeff Mindell, a dad to one, husband to Kelly Mindell (studiodiy), creative, and Dunkin' Donuts coffee enthusiast in Los Angeles, CA. 

Q: You and your wife are super busy people! How do you balance work and taking care of sweet Arlo?
A: We are at a great place now where we have an amazing support system and help when it comes to balancing business and our family. For the first 9 months or so of Arlo's life, I basically put my business endeavors and client work on the back burner to be a stay-at-home dad. There definitely came a breaking point when Kelly was having to take on much of my responsibilities (photo and content-wise) when we decided to finally bring on a nanny for our son. We now have a set schedule during the work week that he's being cared for while we are able to focus on growing our businesses.

Q: Do you and your wife enjoy incorporating your colorful lifestyle and brands into Arlo's life? He has such great style and looks like he loves it!
A: We love it! We really try and support everyone from big brands to small businesses that just feel "good" and look great. Since Kelly and I both have a lot of fun with our own personal style, I guess you could say it comes with the territory haha! His wardrobe is quite literally busting at the seams as he now has waaaay more outfits than both of us, but we have a lot of fun getting him dressed in the morning for sure! You only live once, why not dress to make others smile?!

Q: What joys has Arlo brought into your life since being a dad?
A: Oh man what a question! I feel like my own senses are heightened when I spend time with him. I see everything differently through his eyes as he's quickly starting to experience and internalize his world. He just started walking and does this thing now where if he sees me sitting on the ground, he gets this huge goofy grin on his face and waddles (shockingly fast) into my arms, knocking me over into a big bear hug. It's my new favorite thing and is the epitome of pure joy (for me anyway. Pretty sure he thinks I'm just hiding a snack).
Huge thanks to Jeff Mindell for telling us about your experience as a dad and husband!
PS Check out our other Day With the Basics with Stone Crandall and Bekah Russom.
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