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The Top Tubby Todd Reviews of 2017


As another year comes to an end we look back at all the things we are so immensely grateful for and all the wonderful stories and reviews you Mamas shared with us throughout 2017. We thought we would share a few of our favorites.

They didn’t ask me to share another review. But I wanted to share again because I’ve been amazed again and again by the results and needed to share with anyone who missed it the first time around. So if you want to know more about how we got the results from these before and after photos, keep reading!

The backs of Desmond’s knees are his current “problem area”. When I don’t stay on top of it, they get really bad…as you can see in the pictures. I made a big mistake and misplaced our Tubby Todd when we packed for vacation back in August. And after over a week without treatment, Desmond’s legs were looking really horrible. You can’t see it very well in the pictures but his skin was open and had yellow scabs. I felt horrible for the poor guy because he was miserable. The worst part is that I knew it was my fault and that it could have been prevented if we had stayed on top of things. To read the full article visit Jessica's Blog—Raising Roberts.


"I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for your product, all over ointment, my son is now three and a half months old. In his second month, the doctors diagnosed him with a severe version of cradle cap which completely covered his head, face and was starting to creep down his arms and chest. They wanted to start him on a steroid cream, but I refused.

My friend who used this for her son's eczema gave me some to use on my baby. After battling his skin problems for a month, trying everything I could think of, your ointment cleared him up in 2 days. Being a first-time mom I was crushed with him rubbing his itchy face on my chest...and your product made my boy a happy baby again.

I took it to my doctor and told her to take a picture and tell every parent she can about the product. I've also told every adult that battles any and every skin condition to try your product. I'm a firm believer in all natural and I am trying to spread the word about you and your family. I bought a package deal and love all of your products and just bought another all over ointment because I use it every day on my little one! Thanks again for your product!" - J. Sabo, Ohio


Title: Amazing
Rating: 5 stars
Product: All Over Ointment
Author: Anna

I bought this for my 3 year old who has been dealing with eczema since he was an infant. He had bad flare ups which left his skin red and dry. He was miserable at night from the itching. I first tried it on my infant who had some really dry patches around his ankles. It cleared up completely. I tried it on my 3-year-old and slowly but surely, his eczema cleared up. His skin is no longer dry, but soft. There are no red marks. He tells me "Mommy, I'm not itchy!" Love it and I'm telling everyone about it! I wish it came in a bigger tub! I would so buy it! 

Title: Amazing
Rating: 5 stars
Product: All Over Ointment
Author: Katie H.

This stuff is as good as everyone says it is. I've battled with my son's eczema since he was a new-born and have tried countless products. After about nearly giving up and switching to harsh steroids (which I really didn't want to do), I found a glowing review of this product and decided to give it a shot.

It is by far the BEST product for eczema and I've honestly tried probably close to a hundred. The only negative is that I wish they offered a larger size because we fly through it now.

My son's flare-ups have caused obvious pain and discomfort which has been heart-breaking. He is finally content and not scratching. The irritated sections of skin literally clear-up/subside within a day of application. This is a permanent staple in our household.

Thank you, Tubby Todd for helping our family tremendously! AMAZING!

Title: Extra tubby for the whole family
Rating: 5 stars
Product: Extra Tubby Hair and Body Wash

Author: Katie H.

I had to stop kidding myself that Tubby Todd was only for the kids. With the whole family using it, the bigger size just made sense, especially for the body, wash. This is the product that we go through the fastest. I love the relaxing scent and I love the pump!

Title: Dreamy smooth FEET for mom!
Rating: 5 stars
Product: Dream Cream
Author: Rachel O.

I got this for the first time the last order I did with the basics bundle box. I used it on my boys' dry patches for a while (eczema prone), but then I stole it. I use the All Over Ointment for them only now because I'M STINGY WITH MY DREAM CREAM! Momma's feet get WORKED over, and I need the break. I rub it on my feet (after I've dirty disgusted a wet wipe cleaning them - ew) right before bed and slip them under the covers silky smooth, ready to be rejuvenated for the next day of Mommahood! Thank you, Tubby Todd God :)

Title: I'm impressed
Rating: 5 stars
Product: Basic Bundle and All Over Ointment
Author: Keri M.

Our baby gets pretty bad eczema and we’ve tried creams and lotions and some work and others don’t. Anyway, I’d heard great things about Tubby Todd - especially their all over ointment! I finally decided to take the plunge and buy the basics bundle to be able to try a lot of the products that they offer. I’m so glad that I did! It smells sooooo good, and it doesn’t irritate Lizzy's skin! The All Over Ointment does clear up her eczema. I use the dream cream on my (normally) super dry hands and it works SO well! Overall I’m impressed, and Tom likes it too, so there’s that!


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