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The Mama Blog

Thank you, I love you

On Wednesday at 9:30 am this week Walker and I stopped by See's Candy to pick up a treat for a friend (and you know... one for us too!) The store was empty and the cute lady working behind the counter was generous with the samples- so naturally, we loved her. She asked when I was due and told me that she had a seven month old. After talking for a few minutes she revealed that she had been experiencing a really tough physical recovery from her birth that she was still battling with. We spent the next 30 minutes talking babies and birthing. We laughed, repeated the words "Can you believe no one ever told you about what really happens?" more than once, and I even cried a little as she told me about everything she has gone through in her postpartum recovery. Like her, I experienced a similarly challenging physical recovery with my first baby and our mommy hearts bonded as I stood there eating chocolate talking about our nether regions, babies and life after labor all before 10 AM. It really was such a beautiful moment. 

This week my heart has been so full for the women and men, like my new chocolatier bestie, who have opened their hearts to me this pregnancy. I have been blown away by the goodness of others and what an incredible bond people share when we connect about pregnancy, delivery and caring for our little ones. I have been amazed by my family and friends who have taken care of me from the beginning to the end of this pregnancy. I have had friends come fill my fridge with food, send me meal services in the mail and take my kids so I can nap. I have had a husband who has completely taken over laundry responsibilities without being asked, because he could see how taxing it was on me and parents who have stepped in right when I needed them to. 

The kindness of those close to me has been incredible, but I have equally touched by the concern of random strangers who have shown me so much love this pregnancy. Sabina, who makes appointments at the doctor's office, without me asking her to, called me back multiple times and shifted appointments around to make sure I could be seen on the dates and times I needed to be seen before my due date. Men and women in public who have offered to grab my bags for me, the door, and even help my kids in public when appropriate. And then there has been doctors and nurses who have offered encouragement and understanding in a way I have never felt from medical practitioners. All of this love and kindness has been extremely touching to an oversensitive, extremely tired, hormonal pregnant lady and I don't ever want to forget the incredible love I've felt these last nine months during a time that has been incredibly vulnerable for me and our family. 

As a brand, we believe in providing products for your family that will help you care for and nurture them in the safest most comfortable way possible. But equally important to me is that our brand promotes love and kindness, especially to men and women who work hard every single day to carry and care for little ones. So, as this pregnancy comes to an end (I am hoping very, very soon!) I want to say thank you and that I look forward to sharing this same kind of pregnant love moving forward through our messaging and brand outreach. There is so much good to look forward to! 






Tubby Todd Mama in arch