Amanda's Eczema Story

Tubby Todd Mama Blog

Meet Amanda Pollard——travel/lifestyle/fashion blogger with a baby girl named Miller! Amanda received a shipment of Tubby Todd All Over Ointment after she realized that her baby was suffering from sensitive, eczema-prone skin. Read about her journey with AOO and how it has changed her daughter’s life!

Q: What inspired you want to try Tubby Todd All Over Ointment?
A: My daughter Miller was suffering from dry skin on her chin which was from spit up or something that got left on her face! Her skin is also prone to cradle cap, baby acne, and eczema.

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about the effects that All Over Ointment has had on her rash, as well as other parts of her skin?
A: Yes! AOO has left her skin clear and soft within just two days!

Q: Wow, only two days?! Amazing! What did your pediatrician have to say about All Over Ointment?
A: I brought the AOO into my pediatrician and she looked at it and couldn’t figure out the single ingredient that was causing these results, but she said it looked great and that everything was approved!

Q: If you could tell your mama friends one thing about Tubby Todd All Over Ointment what would it be?
A: That this Ointment is way too good to be true and everyone needs this in their life! Also, it’s the best $16 you’ll ever spend!

Amanda shared a #tubbytoddtestimonial with us of her baby before AOO and after AOO! Take a look at how All Over Ointment helped soothe Miller's skin in more places than one.

Tubby Todd Mama Blog

If you want to read more about Amanda Pollard and the products she uses on her baby Miller, head to her blog The Miller Affect. For 10% off your first Tubby Todd order, use this link.

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