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A Day in the Life of Club Loofah Founder Tonya Rapley

Tubby Todd Mama Blog
Image courtesy of @tonya.rapley

Meet Tonya Rapley, momtrepreneur and owner of Club Loofah, a subscription service that will automatically send you a brand new, fresh loofah every month to keep skin healthy, clean and exfoliated! We spent a Day with the Basics with Tonya to find out what it's like to be a boss mama who runs her own business, what her bathtime routine and rituals are for her little one who battles eczema-prone skin, and why a fresh loofah is more important than you think!

Bathtime is our time. I love that we slow down and disconnect from distractions.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you’re able to strike that mamahood/entrepreneurship balance so well!

A: I’ve been an entrepreneur for the past five years. Prior to that I worked in non-profit which is incredibly demanding (without the financial reward). I knew that I wanted more flexibility whenever I became a mother so started establishing my business beforehand. I had my son 3 years into my entrepreneurship journey so in many ways I was able to build a business that met my needs as a future mother. However even with that said, I can’t say I’ve found balance, however I’ve let go of feeling guilty when things aren’t done.

Q: What drives you to empower other women and how can taking control of our finances factor into that empowerment?

A: I’m driven to show women what’s possible when you choose you and that choosing you isn’t selfish. That decision was life changing for me and greatly improved my quality of life. I’ve seen so many women give away their power and joy because of finances. When you are financially secure you can make more decisions that are in the best interest of yourself and those who depend on you.

Q: Are there any must-have products you have packed in your bag at all times?

A: For short trips to the store or running errands I always have water on me. I attempt to drink 96 oz’s a day. I also feel naked if I don’t have chapstick in my bag. For long trips my basic toiletries plus back up hair products. Now that I am a mom, a stylish fanny pack is always in rotation, short and long distances.

Q: What inspired you to build a brand around loofahs? Why do they play such an important role in so many of our skincare routines?

A: I actually purchased this company. As an entrepreneur with a service-based business, I wanted something that had an opportunity to scale. I thought this company was genius because when I purchased it, I had no idea how long my loofah had been hanging in my shower and realize that’s true for most people. For years I had been battling body acne and realized it was from a result of the build up of germs on my loofah. As a busy mother I also realize how helpful it is to have one less thing to worry about especially when it comes to self-care.

Q: Tell us a little bit about your own personal skincare routine; what are some of your favorite rituals?

A: I actually finally established one these past few months. With skincare I always cleanse, tone at night, apply my serum, and then time of day appropriate moisturizer. I do a mask at least twice a week and try to steam at least once a month.

With my skin I have to remain consistent because I have really dry skin. I always apply a body butter in the day and a body oil and butter in the evening.

Q: How about your little one? Can you share a bit about your skincare routine for them?

A: My little one's skincare is somewhat different because he had eczema-prone and sensitive skin. He bathes daily because he’s a sweaty active toddler but we always follow up with a moisturizing lotion. On days that he’s a little fussy I will massage him with a calming oil.

An important aspect of his skin care is not just his body care products but the detergent we use on his clothes. We use free & clear formulas for him and wipe down the dryer before putting his clothes in.

Q: What’s your favorite part about bathtime with your babes?

A: Bathtime is our time. I love that we slow down and disconnect from distractions.

Loofah + Lather Gift with Purchase

9/10 - 9/12 receive a FREE loofah from Club Loofah with any order that includes an Extra Tubby 25oz Hair + Body Wash on!

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