We asked why you think your boo is the Best Tubby Todd Dad ever and we received so many sweet, funny submissions it was hard to choose a favorite. There wasn't a dry eye in the house once we'd sorted through all of them. Want to see our five winners? (And a few more of our favs?) Scroll through to read their stories and see their hilarious nicknames....

Tubby Todd Dad: Jumel ("Joome")
1. Tell us why he is the best Tubby Todd Dad?
My husband, Jumel is truly the most supportive, caring and loving dad. We found out we were pregnant last May after being married for almost two years. A week later I was diagnosed with breast cancer. We always dreamed of starting a family together and at that time we didn't know what the future held. We were told to have an abortion so that I could undergo treatments. We knew that baby was meant to be ours so we sought out other options. We were blessed to have found amazing doctors at City of Hope who truly gave us hope and saved both my baby and I by performing a mastectomy during my 2nd trimester. We were blessed with a healthy, beautiful baby girl December 30, 2016! Not only did he support and care for me during my breast cancer recovery, but he did so during, after labor and continues to do so daily. He has sacrificed so much to stay at home with our daughter so that we don't have to enroll her in daycare. He is the most amazing part time stay at home dad, who not only cares for our baby girl, but cooks endless meals, does laundry, cleans the home and still finds the energy for foot rubs and back massages. He is truly the best Tubby Todd Dad!
2. What product is his favorite?
Tubby Todd Everyday Lotion
Tubby Todd Mama Submitter: Marianne

Tubby Todd Dad: Papa
1. Tell us why he is the best Tubby Todd Dad?
I am so proud to brag about this dad! My sweet husband just arrived home this past month after a six month long deployment overseas. He missed our son's first birthday and so many sweet moments along the way. Anyone that knows him knows that being a dad is all he has ever wanted in life so this deployment was especially difficult for him to be so far and miss so much. These pictures are from his homecoming. I had been so anxious on how it would go for our son-- how he would react to seeing his daddy for the first time since he was 8 months old. But dad didn't miss a beat. The moment our son seemed to hesitate just a little bit, dad whipped out some "finger flashlights" and lit up this little boy's world. Since being home, our son took to his dad as if he'd never left at all. I am so proud of not only my husband's sacrifice in service, but of his thoughtfulness, patience, and huge heart to our son. He really is the BEST dad!
2. What product is his favorite?
Hair and Body Wash
Tubby Todd Mama Submitter: Briana Holub

Tubby Todd Dada: Husband Palas
1. Tell us why he is the best Tubby Todd Dad?
My husband is raising my daughters to be fierce, smart, strong, funny and the kindest kids ever. He stays home with them when I work and then goes to work.
2. What product is his favorite?
Hair and body wash
Tubby Todd Mama Submitter: Kathleen Palas
Tubby Todd Dad: Shane (Nickname: "Ryan Gosling's nerdy younger brother. Haha.")
1. Tell us why he is the best Tubby Todd Dad?
Even though I carried our son around for more than 40 weeks and had a long, painful 22+ hour labor with him, he ended up looking like his daddy. And I ain't even mad at it. Atticus is already as handsome as him, so if he is at least a half of how kind, patient, and smart as his daddy, then I know we will be set. Being a first time mama has been so nerve racking, but Shane's support has been unwavering. When I was nervous about breastfeeding, he helped Atticus latch every time until I felt comfortable with it. When I have to feed him in the middle of the night, Shane gets up every time to change his diaper, and bring me a cold bottle of water, so I don't have to get out of bed. He never fails to tell me EVERY DAY what a good job I am doing with Atticus. He's such a good daddy. He takes the time to be silly with our son and spend time with him, no matter how long his work day was. We are so lucky to have you, Shane! We love you and like you.
2. What product is his favorite?
Dream Cream. Our son has eczema so we are constantly using it on him. Shane thought it smelled so good he uses it too! :)
Tubby Todd Mama Submitter: Mama Laube

Tubby Todd Dada: Adam "Ad"
1. Tell us why he is the best Tubby Todd Dad?
He is simply an amazing Dad! We made the choice late last year for him to give up his job in IT and stay home with the kids. He has adapted to this SO well. He is homeschooling our 3.5 and 1.5 year old, the house is clean ALL the time and he cooks dinner on week nights as I have a long commute. I work full time with a 45 min commute each way and do school full time and he makes sure the kids get all the attention and love they could possibly need!
2. What product is his favorite?
Bubble bath because the kids love it so much
Tubby Todd Mama Submitter: Melissa Hill
And since we saw so many sweet pictures from all of you, we had to include a few more. You want more, right?!
Tubby Todd Dada: Erick Copone Nickname: Copone or Bub

Tubby Todd Dada: Papa Mendoza
Fav Nickname: Baaaaaaabe!
Tubby Todd Dada: Ryan