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The Mama Blog

Is the DockATot Worth it?


Yes! All parents who have lived with a fussy sleeper know what a gift it is to get a good night’s sleep. DockATots are made from hypoallergenic, breathable material that helps keep babies on their back for sleep and gives them the sensation of being snuggled. Many of our commenters found their babes slept better in the DockATot than ever before.

Especially for parents who want to co-sleep, the DockATot creates a cozy barrier that can reduce the nocturnal collisions inevitable when you have too many monkeys in the bed! The padded sides are soft enough that co-sleepers can nurse without being moved. Our mamas also love that the DockATot can be taken anywhere around the house, and even on vacation.

The DockATot appears to be safe when used according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and many of our mamas have used it without incident. However, it is a relatively new product and little research has been done to validate safety claims. Remember, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends that babies sleep without padding, pillows, or positioning devices.

Having experienced many sleepless nights with babes of my own, I can understand why so many people love the DockATot. But since there was no such thing when mine were tiny, I also know that most babies will adapt to whatever sleeping arrangement you offer them, if given a little time.

As with so many things, ultimately, only you can decide what makes sense for your family. So go to it, Mama! Let your instincts be your guide.  

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