5 Tips for Preventing Dry Skin with Everyday Lotion, Dream Cream, and All Over Ointment

We're all too familiar with that age-old question of how to take care of baby's delicate skin during the cold, long winter months. As mamas, we also need to know how to adapt that routine through the toddler years and beyond. Well, we've got a few tips for you today featuring Everyday Lotion, Dream Cream, and All Over Ointment. Dry skin no more!

1. Drink + Eat Right

Drink lots of water. It's true that whatever we put in our bodies affects what we see on the outside—so make sure your kids have trusty water bottles and keep 'em full. Toddlers need about 1.3 litres of fluid a day and older kids need about 1-1.5 liters. This includes milk, soup, and other fluids he or she regularly consumes. Adults need an average of eight glasses a day, but this includes other fluids we eat like smoothies, soups, and fruits and vegetables with a lot of water.

2. Pat Dry

Instead of rubbing down after a bath or shower like we usually do, try a gentle pat down and a thorough application of our Everyday Lotion or a slightly heavier barrier cream, like our Dream Cream. It seals in moisture from the bath! We've had so much fun with making lotion application after the bath a part of our night time routine. The kids laugh, tell us where the dry spots are, and help us apply it. Just the smell of shea butter and mint in Dream Cream signals bedtime and reading time. It's the best!

3. Layer Product

A great way to add protection is to layer cream. Apply a barrier cream like Dream Cream and spot treat rough or extra dry patches with All Over Ointment. It seals in the moisture and helps prevent dryness all day long. Layering products is especially helpful if you live in a dry climate or experience below freezing temps.

4. Cover Up

Remember to cover up cold hands and feet with toasty gloves and socks. Cover as much skin as possible before sending your kids out to play to protect them from icy wind and snow. For adults, remember to wear gloves when scrubbing dishes or cleaning and use gentler soaps and cleaning agents to prevent unnecessary skin dryness. Smear Dream Cream on face, hands, lips, necks and any other exposed areas before pushing those kids out the door.

5. Independence

Teach kids to apply lotion, chapstick, etc. themselves. Slip a travel-size container into their backpack or coat pocket and encourage them to apply it themselves as soon as they feel dryness or itchiness setting in. We also put lotion at kid's level in the bathroom so they can easily slather some on after washing their hands. The more it becomes a routine, the better. We're really excited about our Extra Tubby Size pump bottles. They mean more independence, value, and fun for everyone!

What tips do you have for us? What does your family do to protect sensitive skin during the winter? See our tips and cute product videos on Instagram and share with us on Facebook.

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