#tubbytoddfamily — The Tate Family

Lauren Tate with her 3 children
I received this beautiful email from a customer and was so excited to share it here on our blog. My favorite thing about her words is how Tubby Todd has helped every member of their family. What a dream come true! 
"My family and I take pride in using as little chemicals in our day to day products and had used a company that I supported for some time. Recently I noticed some of their products being recalled and this instantly sent red flags up on my " momma bear radar ". So, I was on the hunt for something new.  We also love supporting small and mommy-run businesses and seeing Tubby Todd pop up, definitely caught my eye after reading the company's purpose and that she, just like me, as a mother, wants the security of knowing what's in the products her family is using. We received our Tubby Todd shampoo and lotion just in time for Valentine's Day for my 2 year old daughter, Ellie. We love the smell of the shampoo and the amazing softness of the lotion. I suffer from extreme eczema on my arms, especially in the winter months. I've used product, after product trying to heal my eczema and have struggled finding something that didn't burn and actually worked. I decided to lather myself up with the lotion and see what it had to offer and I am very pleased to share that my itchy, dry skin is quickly healing and no burn! Winter is surely drying all of our skin up so the whole family is lathering up after every trip outside. My two month old son is also suffering from cradle cap, a nasty and extremely flakey scalp condition. Also, with a head full of dark hair, lotion and hair usually don't mix well without the greasy aftermath! However, with Tubby Todd we are experiencing zero grease and tons of relief to his precious new born head! So excited to add Tubby Todd products to our natural body care routine and joyful that we can rest with ease that our littles aren't being exposed to harmful additives."
Thank you for sharing Lauren! You are such a beautiful mom, those babies are lucky to have you! 
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