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#tubbytoddfavorites — Go-to birthday presents for toddlers

Girl sitting on a table with a birthday hat, holding a lollipop in front of her face
What are your favorite go to birthday presents for toddlers? I like to stock up on birthday presents at the beginning of the year so that I will be ready for the parties when they arrive quickly throughout the year. Below I list a few of my favorites to keep on hand, I'd love to hear what presents you give to the little ones your love!
    • Tubby Todd Gift Set - Our Tubby Todd Gift Set comes with our 100% natural lotion, wash and bubble bath. It is a fun gift for both the parents and kids, especially when paired with a bath toy. 
    • Little Sapling Toys - A family run company, they create the most beautiful selection of organic developmental toys and blocks. Their blocks have become a staple in our home, and one of my favorite products to gift. 
    • Target Vintage Toys - Target recently has curated a darling collection of classic toys that are available for purchase online and in stores. Such a fun addition to any family's toy collection.
    • Books - Recently I working my way through Mother Mag's list of 25 Chapter Books to Read With Kids I love to gift them to my own little ones as well as to the other kids we love. 

 Leave any suggestions below of children's gifts you love- I would love to hear!




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